What are these glassy red bumps?


They are only on one plant and on that plant I found it on the leaves near where come together, and deep in the new baby leaves. I treated with organibliss (neem extract) not sure if that will help or not. Plant seems completely unaffected.


Maybe Bug eggs ...best to see the guy you got 'em off, neems good tho
Yeah I topfed right into the plug, added a smidge to the water supply and gave them a light spritz. they're very young plants and I am considering just going through with tweezers and removing the ?larvae?.

I want my money back still haha that's bologna


Well-Known Member
Then again its always good to hold a few captives, in a jar or some such pics then please?

Sire Killem All

Well-Known Member
to me it looks like dried up cannabis sap. small fractures to the plant where fluid can exsposed to air and harden. doubt it is bugs have seen simular before.

edit: when u pull it off does it crumble like dried sap? clearish