What Are You Listening To?


Well-Known Member
I remember when that sogn came out.. Naw not my cup of tea.. But it was a big hit..

but I do like my;;;

I'd be hesitant to write off a whole genre of music like rap. You've introduced me to some music I hadn't heard before . . Some of which is undoubtedly rap. Early hip hop and rap had a huge influence on the music industry, including what you listen to.


Well-Known Member
I can't say I've wrote the whole genre off.. There are afew,,, very few, I've grown to enjoy.. 99.99% tho I can't... Like I say to each there own..

But I am game to check out one here and there.. Every once in a while something shocks me.. Most of it all sounds the same to me.

Kind of like Ozzy's voice? It never changes... And seems nowadays,,, everyone's a rapper...

Even some white boys;;



Well-Known Member
Came across this beauty recently. I am guessing that incredible sample is a clarinet. Doesn't quite sound like an alto sax. Regardless it is beautiful

Cheers :)


Well-Known Member
I get stuck sometimes.. That's for sure... But really I am well rounded when it comes to tunes.. But on 'them' night,, I tend to go for shock value.. I did like that Rock singing that song tho...
