What deficiency is this? Late veg.


Well-Known Member
Super Lemon Haze.
10x8x8 room.
2000w metal halide.
Lots of airflow.
70-80 temp.
R/O water
Day 42 veg, I have my timer set for 12 hours dark tonight! So excited!
Botanicare nutrients advanced pure blend about 3/4 strength.
per gallon
8ml pure blend
6ml aqua shield
6ml liquid karma
5ml cal mag
4ml vitamino
2.5ml silica blast
ec - 1.4
ppm - 730-750
ph - 5.9-6.0

This plant started showing these signs about 4 days ago. 4 days ago I wasn't feeding as strong, i upped the nutes about 1 ml each per gallon. It didn't completely fix it, just kept spreading. The tops are starting to display this rusty brown thing, it's only one plant though.
Also another plant is showing signs of something. She is this blue green color and the leaves are way to skinny and are tacoing under kinda.




Well-Known Member
So there are 12 plants total, I am only having trouble with 2.
#1 is showing the signs of the rust and tips curling and yellowing.
#2 is showing the signs of weird coloring and skinny leafs.

Photo 6 and 8 are of plant #2.
The rest are of plant #1.


Well-Known Member
With those ph numbers you must be doing hydro or soil less right? If doing hydro, you are currently using RO water meaning it has close to 0 ppm. RO water usually requires more calcium and magnesium than tap water since tap water has traces of these elements. You might have a Cal Mag issue which is a pretty damn popular deficiency in hydroponics. Also kind of looks like a phosphorus deficiency with plant #1 and its dark necrotic leafs. Phosphorus gets locked out of Hydro and Soil less Mediums at pH levels of 6.0-8.5. I would personally try to hit a ph of 5.4-5.9.

If doing soil, up your ph.

My 2 cents. Not an expert nor a beginner.


Well-Known Member
I am going to ph at 5.8 and see what that does. If anyone has used botanicare, I could really use some help on these numbers.
I just switched to 12/12 and I just picked up some pure blend bloom soil. I was thinking about stopping the pro grow and using 10 ml of the bloom and double to vitamino.


Well-Known Member
I think it might be calcium and phosphorus deficiency, now that I'm looking around.
Yeah I have read that one, and it's great, I also have Marijuana Garden Saver by J.C. Stitch and Ed Rosenthal.

I wanted to fix the problems before I flowered, yes it can make things worse.
I just have ran out of time, I have a limited height and this is a tall grower.

70's natureboy

Well-Known Member
I don't know about Botanicare nutes but the plants say it's too strong. I think you should skip a couple feedings.


Well-Known Member
So you think that these 2 plants that are growing about 2 to 3in a day and are in a coco that is free of all additives/nutrients, and are showing signs of deficiencies, are actually showing signs of nute burn?


Well-Known Member
Here are the plants all together, these photos were taken yesterday. As of right now they are on there first 12 hours of darkness.
So when the lights flip on, in about 9 hours, I will get some more pics.
I have also decided when these 2 plants need watering, I am going to give them half bloom, half grow with no additives.
The other ten will just get normal feedings.
I think, any thoughts guys?



Well-Known Member
You have wonderful looking plants. If your pH wasn't strictly below 6 below before, it could have been the cause of the problems you're seeing, even in the plants that look good. Iron is locked out in hydro when pH is above 6, and that could be what's causing the yellowing tops.

Pure blend pro grow has a NPK of 3-2-4 which is high in nitrogen already. Adding the cal-mag adds onto that with calcium nitrate, so I'd leave that out unless you actually find a deficiency.


Well-Known Member
Hey thank you churchhaze! I am using the cal mag for the reverse osmosis water and the coco.
Coco locks up magnesium and calcium, and the only thing that defeats the lock-up is to add calcium and magnesium.
So my plants will show deficiency signs very fast without the added cal mag plus.
I also just read that in coco your ph needs to be 5.6-5.8 veg and 5.8-6.0 flower.
So if that is true that could be my problem, I have been ph'ing at 6.0 every time pretty much (except for my last water).
I just started flowering so i think i am going to split pure blend pure grow and bloom for a few days and keep my ph 5.8.

I had no idea about things getting locked out in hydro at above 6.0, thanks for that church.


Well-Known Member
Look at the chart on the left (for hydro). There are a few charts like this with slightly different data, so take this with a grain of salt.

View attachment 2651713

Hey thank you churchhaze! I am using the cal mag for the reverse osmosis water and the coco.
Coco locks up magnesium and calcium, and the only thing that defeats the lock-up is to add calcium and magnesium.
So my plants will show deficiency signs very fast without the added cal mag plus.
I also just read that in coco your ph needs to be 5.6-5.8 veg and 5.8-6.0 flower.
So if that is true that could be my problem, I have been ph'ing at 6.0 every time pretty much (except for my last water).
I just started flowering so i think i am going to split pure blend pure grow and bloom for a few days and keep my ph 5.8.

I had no idea about things getting locked out in hydro at above 6.0, thanks for that church.


Well-Known Member
Hey that is a great chart, thank you. I think I am going to stick with 5.8 and see what happens.
I did feed tonight.

Pro Grow - 5ml
Pro Bloom - 5ml
Cal Mag - 5ml or 250 ppm
Vitamino - 8ml
Aqua Shield - 6ml
Sweet - 6ml
Liquid Karma - 3ml
Silica Blast - 3ml

Ec - 1.65-1.7
ppm - 810-850
ph - 5.80


Active Member
hey i grow in coco as well and def looks like a cal/mag deficiency.. i ran into this on my last harvest.. the dark green looks like to much n.. the start of rust spots is def cal/mag tho.. i thought i could get away with out adding it last time because i use hard water but mine started about 5 weeks into flowering on last harvest.. started usuing it on my next batches and they are green as can be.. im no expert just my 2 cents.. what kind of veg nutes you running? not sure if you using full str but i cut my next batch to just half and there doing alot better with slight tip burn so i think i was running to hot on my last grow.. also what are you runnin ph currently? u said u were going to drop it to 5.8? 5.8 is accually where u should be the whole grow when using hydro.. i ph mine to about 5.3-5.4 and by the time my res balances out it remains between 5.5-5.8 which is where u want it to be.. also do you use a aqua thermometer? make sure u keep ur res cool (60-65 degrees)


Well-Known Member
Hey bluedreamzy, thanks for the response. I messed up and thought 6.0 ph was fine, I have dropped it to 5.8 since. I use the Hanna combo meter. I use botanicare nutes, the pure blend line with full additives. Yesterday was my first day of flower and instead of just going from grow to bloom, I did half of both, and thought I would run it for week one. I hand water to waste, and my res is around room temp. I have no problem with temp or humidity, thank god. I haven't used full strength nutes on them ever. At first it was 1/4 strength, then it was 1/2, now it is about 3/4 strength of the feed sheet. http://www.botanicare.com/Assets/PDFs/PBProFeedSheet2012.pdf - That is my feed sheet.
I fed this last night.

Pro Grow - 5ml
Pro Bloom - 5ml
Cal Mag - 5ml or 250 ppm
Vitamino - 8ml
Aqua Shield - 6ml
Sweet - 6ml
Liquid Karma - 3ml
Silica Blast - 3ml

Ec - 1.65-1.7
ppm - 810-850
ph - 5.80

That was last night, day one of flower. If you are wondering what my end veg ec was, it was about 1.45 about 710 ppm or so.


were you ever able to determine that this was a cal mag def? or was it your ph being off? im in coco running a similar set up. i have droopy leaves, rust spots and yellowing. im stumped...