What did you accomplish today?

someone almost hit me with their car while i was walking out of the store. i kicked the fuck out of his fender.. of course he slammed on the brakes and acted like he was the injured party. i basically told him he was a fucking moron, speculated on the legitimacy of his birth, speculated further on the identity of his father, then i got pissed and called him a "Buckwit"........i spend entirely too much time in the politics section......insults are disappointing when the recipient doesn't understand he's being insulted......
then i started laughing to myself and walked away....fucking tourist really think the locals are crazy now
I forgot to put the trash and recycling out last night and while i was getting the barrel in my garage i heard the truck pulling up the street, so i had to run, in slippers, both barrels down my 200+ft driveway cause those MFers don't wait, even when the see you coming:finger:. Then I went out and sprayed the veggies down with fish fert first. When I sprayed my sunflowers, they're almost 10ft tall and I foliar spray them, I think I shot some over the fence onto the neighbors kids car.. oops. It's only going to be like 95 today, shouldn't be too bad. :p Then I soaked the pile of oak chips out front with a super heavy concentration, it was steaming and stinking by the time I headed in. Gonna make a good mulch/compost. I found a honeydew vine growing that i didn't plant... lol. So far that a honeydew, a cantaloupe, a butternut 3 heads of lettuce and about 2 dozen tomato plants that have wild sprouted around my yard. I wonder if I could get this stuff to naturally grow back every year if I just leave some fruitt seeds around in autumn, Thays what its for right? It'd be pretty great if I didn't have to plant some of this stuff every year. Right when I was heading in the tree guy showed up to grind the stumps, so now I got two more large piles of chips, mixed with soil, to deal with when it's not brutally hot out. Then I ate breakfast, smoked and picked up on the trimming.... which is what I get to do the rest of the day, yay, :|. I'd rather be outside working in the heat.
That’s ground pork, kiwi, lime, pablano pepper, few other ingredients. And flour shell:lol:
That was a very hard post to like!


Tripas tacos as god meant them to be eaten, mmmmmmmm


@mr sunshine This was Sammy's response to the PC Straw Nazis thought you might enjoy it
looks good

my tomatoes didn't last at all this year.....to freakin hot
I thought mine were doing great. I just went to pick my first ripe San Marzanos to make some fresh sauce, to go with some ravioli, and they almost all have end rot. There's quite a few that are still ripening that are showing it. I'm pissed, I lost a whole crop 2 years ago because of it. I was hoping to jar some sauce. :cuss: IDK what's going on. Everything I'm reading says pick the bad fruit, throw calcium at it and hope they throw out more. IDK if determinate/ indeterminate matters.

Needs more cal/mag?o_O
I forgot to put the trash and recycling out last night and while i was getting the barrel in my garage i heard the truck pulling up the street, so i had to run, in slippers, both barrels down my 200+ft driveway cause those MFers don't wait, even when the see you coming:finger:. Then I went out and sprayed the veggies down with fish fert first. When I sprayed my sunflowers, they're almost 10ft tall and I foliar spray them, I think I shot some over the fence onto the neighbors kids car.. oops. It's only going to be like 95 today, shouldn't be too bad. :p Then I soaked the pile of oak chips out front with a super heavy concentration, it was steaming and stinking by the time I headed in. Gonna make a good mulch/compost. I found a honeydew vine growing that i didn't plant... lol. So far that a honeydew, a cantaloupe, a butternut 3 heads of lettuce and about 2 dozen tomato plants that have wild sprouted around my yard. I wonder if I could get this stuff to naturally grow back every year if I just leave some fruitt seeds around in autumn, Thays what its for right? It'd be pretty great if I didn't have to plant some of this stuff every year. Right when I was heading in the tree guy showed up to grind the stumps, so now I got two more large piles of chips, mixed with soil, to deal with when it's not brutally hot out. Then I ate breakfast, smoked and picked up on the trimming.... which is what I get to do the rest of the day, yay, :|. I'd rather be outside working in the heat.

I never thought about adding fish fertilizer to my compost, that's pretty interesting. My grandpa always used fish heads under his tomatoes and had really f'ing great maters , he always cautioned to did a deep hole or the coons will dig your shit up.

Have you ever used fermenting fish to start tomatoes or melons from seed? I read about it years ago with cherry tomatoes, and it worked very well. Just soak some fish parts in water with a sprinkle of yeast for 2-5 days strain off and plant. Shit stinks to high heaven but works great for hard to germinate seeds.
I thought mine were doing great. I just went to pick my first ripe San Marzanos to make some fresh sauce, to go with some ravioli, and they almost all have end rot. There's quite a few that are still ripening that are showing it. I'm pissed, I lost a whole crop 2 years ago because of it. I was hoping to jar some sauce. :cuss: IDK what's going on. Everything I'm reading says pick the bad fruit, throw calcium at it and hope they throw out more. IDK if determinate/ indeterminate matters.

Needs more cal/mag?o_O
Calcium nitrate or calcium chloride (pickle crisp).

I don't like or grow tomatoes though FWIW.
I ate Olive garden then shit my brains out, the other day.

Thought of you while my balls were getting splashed.

Have any og diarrhea, lately?

Oh shit man, the infamous Olive Garden blow out. I used to think it came from the unlimited salad. I thought it was all the oil or something, but it’s actually from the cook slapping his dick and balls on your plate before he plates your food. It’s one of their secrets, they make the newest guy in the kitchen coat each plate with his sweaty ass nut mud. I heard it from the CEO, he’s a cool dude. They also don’t have any hand sinks in the kitchen, they just spit on em and wipe em off on the walls. Got all the scoop from the head honcho. He’s a cool dude.