What did you accomplish today?


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last Tuesday i survived a heart attack, (had to get 1 stent put in), i only got out today to tell the tale. ive had to give up my favourite hobby but im searching for some easy edible, gummy recipes. the last item i bought on ebay was a hiking stove, lmfao, i dont think i'll be using that for a while. you never know whats around the next corner. stay safe everyone.
Nice you survived.


Well-Known Member
yeah its a little bit big, its only 7 miles around the Silent Valley here were i am planning on walking. it doesnt weight much but hey i bought it because of the capacity.
Mind if I ask why? Jetboils aren’t really made for cooking inside of. They boil water, like the name implies. Do you plan on boiling water for more than one person at a time?


Well-Known Member
LOL now you got me googling!
Lol I’ve recently become increasingly interested in backpacking. I can geek out on equipment for hours at a time.

But a jetboil is basically just a regular stove, with a specialized cooking pot that sorta has heat sink fins on the bottom in an attempt to capture lost heat from the stove. No doubt that they work, but they’re bulky and heavy

go go kid

Well-Known Member
last Tuesday i survived a heart attack, (had to get 1 stent put in), i only got out today to tell the tale. ive had to give up my favourite hobby but im searching for some easy edible, gummy recipes. the last item i bought on ebay was a hiking stove, lmfao, i dont think i'll be using that for a while. you never know whats around the next corner. stay safe everyone.
glad your on the mend friend. as you say, you never know. a friend of mine is going through something similar,3 stints i think, two in aorta and one abdominal. not nice. stay safe gogo

go go kid

Well-Known Member
last Tuesday i survived a heart attack, (had to get 1 stent put in), i only got out today to tell the tale. ive had to give up my favourite hobby but im searching for some easy edible, gummy recipes. the last item i bought on ebay was a hiking stove, lmfao, i dont think i'll be using that for a while. you never know whats around the next corner. stay safe everyone.
how has it affected what you can do? im not up to scratch on stints, only just herd of them gogo

go go kid

Well-Known Member
Probably not too hard to believe, but alcohol stoves are actually illegal in California. (Yet they still sell them here) Although they Are one of the lightest options.

I’m using a BRS-3000… it’s only 27 grams, but of course uses isobutane so you gotta lug around a canister too
WTF, can i ask why there illegal. im guessing its the fact that they can still be lit when thrown by dimwits fuckheads


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Yeah, my daughters grandfather had a stint put in about a week ago. He was in the hospital for more than three weeks, I think he’s headed home today. He has 6 weeks of IV antibiotics three times a day for some unrelated infection too. @curious2garden , what’s that all about?? It’s really hard to get any info from Megan about it.
Trying to prevent subacute bacterial endocarditis. I'm guessing he either had MRSA or C Difficile, bad shit. Sounds like he got good treatment though. I feel for Megan, you too. The sandwich generation has it rough. :hug: :hug: it's very good of you to be there and care Meta, especially when it's not easy.


Well-Known Member
Trying to prevent subacute bacterial endocarditis. I'm guessing he either had MRSA or C Difficile, bad shit. Sounds like he got good treatment though. I feel for Megan, you too. The sandwich generation has it rough. :hug: :hug: it's very good of you to be there and care Meta, especially when it's not easy.
Yeah he was admitted for breathing issues, they couldnt figure it out for almost two weeks, and during a chest scan they discovered the aneurism in his heart, hence the stint. I guess it’s a blessing in disguise, since they said his heart was a ticking time bomb, so hopefully he heals up nicely. Still, three weeks in the hospital, not too much fun.