what diseases are contracted my MJ


i had originally thought that the exteremly packed soil caused nut. lockout, BUT now im not so sure cause my little girl has the same symptoms but only on one leaf, can u guess wat that leaf was touching. Thats right one leaf of my little plant was touching one "infected" leaf of my biggest plant and ill be damned if the littleone isnt showing signs of the same sort BUT ONLY ON THE LEAF THAT WAS TOUCHING THE OTHER ONE What could it be


everyone that has viewed this must be as new as i am because im 0/9. Is everyone so new that they dont know or is it because they dont really care:(


Well-Known Member
everyone that has viewed this must be as new as i am because im 0/9. Is everyone so new that they dont know or is it because they dont really care:(
I'm going with don't really care, stop being lazy and relying on this site for answers, research is always the best way. Oh and to answer your question, it's....sike...haha.


ok stranger u can suck my ass where it looks like i fig,

as for info: Shes still 3'7"or real close and there other is about 1'6" or real close.I have them on 12/12 and has been about 7to 10 days. i repotted the big one about 5 days ago app. because the soil was so packed that the water ran right off or through so fast it wasent holding any moisture.I thought nutrient lockout for sure(oh and yeah ive done some research but the faq and such never really answerd my Q's)Right after i repotted she looked like she was dying(drooping, yellow tips on the leaves and a little curling), but before the 12 ended she was perked up and not looking so bad, that is until today when i noticed some of the leaves are falling off and the problem is right back. NOW one of the leaves on the little plant was touching the bigger plants leaf and now has the same problem on just that leaf
Water as needed every 3-5 with 13-13-13 diluted every other time
Light 12on12off on outdoor timer with 3 23w's2700k, 1 30wdaylight, and 1 75w unknown k
small fan cir. air
They were outside for two months, but i brought them and the problem in, meaning they were already starting to turn on the leaf edges before i brought them in.That good enough? No then wat else