What do i need? help please


Well-Known Member
Hi i currently have a wardrobe that im growing a few auto plants in, it has a 150w hps and im using pc fans to keep it cool.

Problem is the wardrobe is nowere near lightproof and making it lightproof seems like a impossible job lol.

So i decided on ordering a grow tent, i found one which is the perfect size
(90cm W x 50cm D x 160cm H)

i plan on upgrading my light to a 250w, therefore i guess im gona need a proper extractor fan, tho this tent is gona be in my bedroom, am i gona be able to make it queit enough to sleep with???

heres my list:

1x Hydrolab LAB90 Grow Tent
1x 250w HPS Grow Light
1x Extractor fan?
1x DIY Carbon scrubber
1x Easy rollers

what do i need to hang a fan/carbon scrubber at the top of the tent?

anything else im gona need?


Well-Known Member
if u exhausting air u need an input otherwise tent will jus suck inwards. or does the tent have vents in it for this issue? also to hang ya cf then u can either buy a hangin plate or i just suspend from a timber with strong wire as it reduces vibration. best off calling the shop u gt tent from they prob have a product tailored for the tents.

or jus cancel the order and buy some mylar to wrap around the inside of ya closet


Well-Known Member
well u prob be gd wiv that m8 rule of thumb is twice in wats going out, that will give u an idea of the extractor u will need, obviously u gt all ya nutes and ph kit already so aint much more u need fella fire it up... wen u expecting ya tent? wicked xmas present


Well-Known Member
well u prob be gd wiv that m8 rule of thumb is twice in wats going out, that will give u an idea of the extractor u will need, obviously u gt all ya nutes and ph kit already so aint much more u need fella fire it up... wen u expecting ya tent? wicked xmas present
ye got my ph meter n nutes, funny u should say that lol its a xmas pressie from my gf, im ordering it today so hopefuly will be here by xmas!

thanks for ur help


Active Member
So i decided on ordering a grow tent, i found one which is the perfect size
(90cm W x 50cm D x 160cm H)

1x Hydrolab LAB90 Grow Tent
I was looking at the Hydrolab tents too, the sizes seem a lot more practical than other makes. I'll be very interested in how you get on with yours.

Some people have said they let out more light than other tents, I wonder if they have the older models because the new ones have flaps to cover the zips which look like they should block the light fully but it would be great if you can tell us first hand what they're like.