What do I use to check trichomes?


Well-Known Member
a microscope. radio shack has them for less than $20. Put trichs under scope to see what color they are... clear color- keep growing, milky color- keep growing, amber color- pick. could also pick when half trichs are cloudy and amber. whatever high you like.


Well-Known Member
another method i found on here yesterday,

take a laser lense from an old dvd, cd player or something that uses laser to read a disk.

put the lense over a camera phone lense prob need abit more than 1 megapixel camera.

then focus and adjust the lights so as to get a good shot.

iv never tried this but there is plenty of evidence to prove it works.

my 2p


Well-Known Member
ok if you harvest when the trichomes are half milky and the other half amber then you will get a a mind-body high....if you wait till all the trichs are amber then its a more "couchlock" high... depending on how you want your high to be you can harvest whenever, just by lookin at trichs. get it now?


Well-Known Member
it changes the high?? im confused
the high you get from a bud changes dependent on what your trichomes are like.

if there milky i beleive its a celebral high
Half milk half orange is abit of both
all amber is couch lock very stoney.

hope this helps

EDIT: i just gave an answer you already had :lol: my bad sorry


Well-Known Member
go to raido shack they have a illuminated microscope for 12 bucks it fits in your pocket and goes up to 100x plenty enough to fully see trichs


Well-Known Member
its like im getting repeated in this bitch, lmao. its all good.

yeh sorry kalismoke, i jumped in when you were already answering the question. i never seen a reply so i thought id try answer his question.

i shall sit and watch, be quiet, and smoke :weed: