What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

What do you believe is the fundamental problem with [American] government?

  • I don't believe a government should exist. That society would be better off without

  • Poor creation/execution of legislation

  • Incompetence/Inability/Ineptitude

  • Corruption

  • The authority of government: Executive orders v. Addressing Congress

  • The size of the government: Big v. Small

  • Efficiency of government

  • Racism/sexism/classism/other/etc.

  • Capitalism*

  • Other

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Everybody dies, even you and if death is the reward for sin, then everybody goes to Hell. Babies die of covid, they have sinned no more than the "unborn". You are so full of shit it's coming out of your mouth, the world and not many in it, will miss you either. You might as well go, for all the good you have done, by supporting evil, you become evil, do the Devil's work long enough and you become indistinguishable from him. You have supped with the Devil and never even used a spoon, but crammed in the filth with dirty hands and now you are burnt beyond all recognition.

The road to Hell is short and you've got the peddle to the metal.
Somebody has issues.
I thought he didn’t judge
Ya can't get into heaven except through him, so that requires a bit of judgement I'd say. Would you want to spend time in heaven with Trump? Could it be heaven then? Jesus must have some real good drugs, once ya get past the pearly gates, though there are some, who figure God contracted the job of judge to St Peter and he sit's at the gates with a big fucking book containing yer thoughts, words and deeds. Getting into heaven requires attaining a state of grace, that means your thoughts words and deeds must be pure. Any idea about how one might accomplish this monumental feat? There is a path to such perfection, but it is not a Christian one, it requires a lot of work and a lifetime of dedication and training, even then most do not attain.
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Jesus was Jewish.
Jews believe only they are Gods Chosen people and will go to heaven.

Not sure why Christians think they will go to heaven for.
I was in a church for a wedding in 1992. I don't remember very much about it. :lol:

It all boils down to the fact that taxation is a sin (theft of others property) and Jesus stood up for taxation with his "Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's" which probably meant that you should do justice to Caesar like you should do justice to any of your fellow man but was interpreted as meaning that taxation was OK. Maybe he actually thought taxation was OK and that is why God crucified him but you'll have to ask God that when you see him. Long story short he ends up on the cross and probably did not understand why, his last utterance "Why hast thou forsaken me father?".

Anyway to tie it all in to the moral of this thread, That is what is wrong with America today. The government takes over half what you earn if you add up local, state, federal, property, sales, income and all the other taxes we enjoy paying today as "free people" and God sees this as a sin. Ask anyone who works for a government position if they are "truly" happy with their life.
It all boils down to the fact that taxation is a sin (theft of others property) and Jesus stood up for taxation with his "Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's" which probably meant that you should do justice to Caesar like you should do justice to any of your fellow man but was interpreted as meaning that taxation was OK. Maybe he actually thought taxation was OK and that is why God crucified him but you'll have to ask God that when you see him. Long story short he ends up on the cross and probably did not understand why, his last utterance "Why hast thou forsaken me father?".

Anyway to tie it all in to the moral of this thread, That is what is wrong with America today. The government takes over half what you earn if you add up local, state, federal, property, sales, income and all the other taxes we enjoy paying today as "free people" and God sees this as a sin. Ask anyone who works for a government position if they are "truly" happy with their life.
It's amazing the pretzel logic that some people use to justify the sin of racism and bigotry and their inability to form a sharing community with others. People are individuals, but individuals come from and live in communities of humans, human's form sharing communities.

This is bullshit, it was explained to you by me in an earlier thread.
"Jesus stood up for taxation with his "Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's" which probably meant that you should do justice to Caesar like you should do justice to any of your fellow man but was interpreted as meaning that taxation was OK"

No that is not true, Jesus was asked specifically about paying taxes to Rome, the government, his answer was to render onto Caesar, that which is Caesar's. Pay your taxes and stop whining about sharing with others. If you live in a Red state, the taxes paid by blue states keep you alive, if it wasn't for money transfers from blue states to red states most would be no better off than Bangladesh and they be running around in rags starving to death.

So just because you don't like and are afraid of the brown folks, yer gonna sell out Jesus like ya sold out yer country to a malicious moron. The fact is though you sold out Jesus the moment you were sucked in by Trump. You are not a Christian, you believe in nothing and stand for nothing, so spare us the talk about sin. Why don't you try reading the bible before you talk about it and stop giving real Christians a bad name.

No Christians voted for Trump, that's not possible for an actual Christian. It is possible for a pseudo Christian who is ignorant of scripture and of Christ's message to vote for Trump, though they are only fooling themselves.
Jesus was a radical socialist
He gave away free healthcare and he did do the loaves and fishes thing, after taxing someone for the starting material. He did turn water into wine too, so liquor is ok, the son of God made it himself. He even gave free booze away and it don't get more socialist than that, since I don't recall him charging for the miracle!
It all boils down to the fact that taxation is a sin (theft of others property) and Jesus stood up for taxation with his "Render to Caesar that which is Caesar's" which probably meant that you should do justice to Caesar like you should do justice to any of your fellow man but was interpreted as meaning that taxation was OK. Maybe he actually thought taxation was OK and that is why God crucified him but you'll have to ask God that when you see him. Long story short he ends up on the cross and probably did not understand why, his last utterance "Why hast thou forsaken me father?".

Anyway to tie it all in to the moral of this thread, That is what is wrong with America today. The government takes over half what you earn if you add up local, state, federal, property, sales, income and all the other taxes we enjoy paying today as "free people" and God sees this as a sin. Ask anyone who works for a government position if they are "truly" happy with their life.
No that is not true, Jesus was asked specifically about paying taxes to Rome, the government, his answer was to render onto Caesar, that which is Caesar's. Pay your taxes and stop whining about sharing with others.
Thanks for clearing that up... exactly what I was saying... he OK'd taxation with the power of God and God answered.
He gave away free healthcare and he did do the loaves and fishes thing, after taxing someone for the starting material.
You read the bible? What was your reading comprehension score in high school?
Thanks for clearing that up... exactly what I was saying... he OK'd taxation with the power of God and God answered.

You read the bible? What was your reading comprehension score in high school?
Where did he get the loaves and fishes? He was given them, because he asked and you can't refuse the son of God any more than you can refuse to pay your taxes, one sends you to Hell and the other to prison. It was a tax, Jesus put the arm on her!

I've read the bible twice in my lifetime, revelations and all and I've been an atheist since childhood, I believe in natural explanations for phenomena, causality. If you are going to spout pseudo Christianity, at least have some grounding in Bible study and basic theology. Maybe I'd even bother to debate you about it, but you have to get to the start line first and you appear to be profoundly ignorant and confused.
So you are defending that which you do not believe?
You are spouting pseudo Christianity and giving actual Christians (who I respect) a bad name. A few hundred years ago they would have burned you at the stake for heresy, but civil society has civilized them, we atheists had to teach them morals. You are not a Christian however and lack the moral compass to become one. There are lot's of Mega Church pseudo Christians in America, the place if full of hypocrites, the burning theological question for most is what kind of gun would Jesus own.

Jesus used the word hypocrite often, he spoke Aramaic (not English) and a bit of Greek and perhaps he knew Hebrew. He grew up working with his father, mostly in the Greek city of SEPPHORIS a couple of miles for his home town of Nazareth. Jesus grew up in Hellenized Judea that Alexander the great had conquered hundreds of years before and king Herod was a vassal of the Roman Empire, who invaded Judea 60 years before.

Jesus spoke Greek and he used the word hypocrite and he plainly despised them.

Wanna know what I figure Jesus did in Egypt as a child and how he came to be who he was and how the sermon of the mount came about? They would have burned me at the stake too.