What do you do high?


Well-Known Member
A normal day as always, what are you doing baked?
I play some video games and eat some food then maybe go for a nice walk around the block to get some fresh air. Zone out watching t.v. or start writing on the book i just started.


Well-Known Member
After a baggie of particularly nice vaped bud, I do my housework.....a good sativa is great for doing much needed domestic chores.....

Sr. Verde

Well-Known Member
After a baggie of particularly nice vaped bud, I do my housework.....a good sativa is great for doing much needed domestic chores.....
yeah man i always clean the place up when i'm baked on a nice sativa

throw on some trance and get to work dusting and shit.

keeping your place clean is a sign self respect

I usually listen to some tunes, watch Seinfeld or some other good humor show.. maybe enjoy some nutrition and a chilled glass of clean, delicious water...

I just take care of myself.. In mind, body and soul.


Well-Known Member
wake up high
get high
write about being high
draw about being high
come on this site and talking about being high
laugh at how high I am
make french toast
get dressed
go out for a walk to get high
go for a walk while avoiding eye contact with strangers because I'm hiiiigh
go home and make a sandwich
edit: go to mailbox and pick up welfare check and get even more high (thanks anc)
watch last night's episode of conan
come here and revist my posts with a clearer mind
get high
do yoga
check e-mails
read read read
some work
make pasta
go for a jog/run
get high
go for a walk
go to tim's and order a boston cream, large hot chocolate, peanut butter cookie, and candy cane doughnut
eat, while people watching
get ready to leave but then wait - that new candy cane hot chocolate looks really good, whipped cream and everything....hmmm....
order a large candy cane hot chocolate - oh and a sundried tomato soup too
what? will that be to go? uh...............(vacant stare) yes
eat the whipped cream off the hot chocolate and add a shot of whiskey from the miniature bottle of crown royal I carry on me
walk home
get comfortable and cozy
read while checking e-mails and listening to music
take a hit
call it a night


edit: this looks like poetry to me


Well-Known Member
wake up high
get high
write about being high
draw about being high
come on this site and talking about being high
laugh at how high I am
make french toast
get dressed
go out for a walk to get high
go for a walk while avoiding eye contact with strangers because I'm hiiiigh
go home and make a sandwich
watch last night's episode of conan
come here and revist my posts with a clearer mind
get high
do yoga
check e-mails
read read read
some work
make pasta
go for a jog/run
get high
go for a walk
go to tim's and order a boston cream, large hot chocolate, peanut butter cookie, and candy cane doughnut
eat, while people watching
get ready to leave but then wait - that new candy cane hot chocolate looks really good, whipped cream and everything....hmmm....
order a large candy cane hot chocolate - oh and a sundried tomato soup too
what? will that be to go? uh...............(vacant stare) yes
eat the whipped cream off the hot chocolate and add a shot of whiskey from the miniature bottle of crown royal I carry on me
walk home
get comfortable and cozy
read while checking e-mails and listening to music
take a hit
call it a night


edit: this looks like poetry to me
I also go to timmys :D


Well-Known Member
wake up high
get high
write about being high
draw about being high
come on this site and talking about being high
laugh at how high I am
make french toast
get dressed
go out for a walk to get high
go for a walk while avoiding eye contact with strangers because I'm hiiiigh
go home and make a sandwich
watch last night's episode of conan
come here and revist my posts with a clearer mind
get high
do yoga
check e-mails
read read read
some work
make pasta
go for a jog/run
get high
go for a walk
go to tim's and order a boston cream, large hot chocolate, peanut butter cookie, and candy cane doughnut
eat, while people watching
get ready to leave but then wait - that new candy cane hot chocolate looks really good, whipped cream and everything....hmmm....
order a large candy cane hot chocolate - oh and a sundried tomato soup too
what? will that be to go? uh...............(vacant stare) yes
eat the whipped cream off the hot chocolate and add a shot of whiskey from the miniature bottle of crown royal I carry on me
walk home
get comfortable and cozy
read while checking e-mails and listening to music
take a hit
call it a night


edit: this looks like poetry to me
Its missing, pick up welfare check high.


Well-Known Member
Gee I wish I could sit on my ass and get high all day on wellfare. But when I think about it, no I don't. I get baked and play with my kids and think of how amazing and utterly fucking trippy they are at the same time. Then feed and bath them with my wife, do the dishes, put then to bed, go check on my plants. Fuck with plants or stare at buds in a trance.

Finally zone out on xbox headshoting 22yo punks on COD


Well-Known Member
it'd be easier to say what i can't do high....i can't hoop, workout (run,lift weights), read a book for a long period of time(four minutes and it's a wrap), i don't like to drive while high...pretty much i get high because i'm not planning on doing anything of importance. once i'm smoked out, the world may keep going, but mine gets put on pause. i can function, but i'd rather not.


Well-Known Member
Sit there and stare at the wall for approx. 20 min. then suddenly wonder WTF I'm looking at!


Well-Known Member
I love to just sit around and talk with friends, play games (video and board), listen to music, think about the universe and how to eradicate religion. By the by, I have always wanted to go to a Tim Hortons.


Well-Known Member
it'd be easier to say what i can't do high....i can't hoop, workout (run,lift weights), read a book for a long period of time(four minutes and it's a wrap), i don't like to drive while high...pretty much i get high because i'm not planning on doing anything of importance. once i'm smoked out, the world may keep going, but mine gets put on pause. i can function, but i'd rather not.
You and me both.