What do you use to stop the pests from eating you plant, witch failed for you?


Well-Known Member
I live in HOSITLE territory an lost sooo many to animals last year, (20-25ish).:hump:

Cages are manditory where im gurerrilla growing in the prarie IMHO.
Last year was my first attempt at guerrilla growing an I only got 5 to harvest
(an they were just lil clones of the big mamas that got eaten early on).
But i learned what it takes here to keep em alive.

The chicken wire fence, is an art.
I learned you must make your cage go down into the into the hole (2ft)an be wired along the bottom to protect it from gophers an rabbits an burrowing animals. Or they dig right under.
You must wire the top closed or birds an deer will go right in an eat em.
I must also use 1/4 wire cage material to keep out mice or they wont last a week.

I make 2 cylinder cages out of the 1/4 in wire fence, wire the bottoms, make one slip inside the other an it will expand up to protect the plant as it grows.
Illl put up last years video to show you how I do it soon..........

The fox piss, moth balls, hair , cat/ dog shit, piss, ivory soap, ect all failed many attraced animals. THey would be eating it with my plants.
But the Deer repellent with Putrid egg, garlic, an pepper worked pretty dam good, I had plants last several monthes using only it, tell they got eaten. But it could have been luck.
I also must use pesticides (home made garlic an Seven spray) to stop grasshoppers, they will strip medium plant to nothing in a day.
Even in a cage an treated with my pesticide they just eat the stems only.

Whats worked an not worked for yall?


Well-Known Member
no slugs here, or mold, thank god.
heard beer traps work for slugs great also.
grasshoppers an rodents are thick here.
ill be poisoning em at this years spot early.


Well-Known Member
keep your plants in your own veggy garden, and keep a radio going for veggies and buds to jam to, the veggies and buds will jump and jive and be merry, the deer and bunnies find human noises to be scary....

as for what doesn't work well, letting 2500+ tadpoles steep in the hot sun in a covered container , then pouring that mix onto your babies, the babies loves it, as do coons that will wallow in your patch and uproot lots, damn coons, I'll fuckin kill em all.... grrr, now my mind is fully reminiscant of all the joyful fatalities i have had here which coons were the target.....oh yea, woodchucks too.... hahaha last summer my tally around teh house was 3 coon, and 4chucks, one chuck my dog had cornered by our propane pig outside, i told her to stay with the animal as i ran and grabbed the closest bashing utensil i could find, which turned out to be a 8lb splittin mall..... needless to say all it took for the chuck to have an imploded face was a single squeel at me as i approached...... lol, i wouldn't trade my killin memories for nothin haha


Well-Known Member
dont kill the animals just because your growing your crops outside...its there natural habitat anyways. it happens, even at home the birds has torn so much plants i grew just for this year...all i do was get a hose that i dont use anymore and disguise it like a snake, and get an old shirt that you worn and spray perfume or let your sweat dry into it. the perfume works though. and place it near your plants. and thats for the animals and critters, i dont care about the insect...kill those insects they are fuckin bitches and harder to annihilate


Well-Known Member
I would kill many many animals to get a good harvest,
Fuckn rodents deserve to die for plants they killed.
There is no shortage of jack rabbits an mice in fields here.
The farmers pray for there demise and kill em also.....

Also growing in trees worked for me last year. Rodents an insects left my tree plant alone.


Well-Known Member
Heres how I made my cages that got a few of my ladies to harvest.


Well-Known Member
Those Plastic Owls oddly enough do a great job of keeping rodents away. I have learned though you need to reposition them every couple of days to remain effective. I have seen some of the newer ones that run on batteries and have motion sensors. Not used them yet but I figure they would even be more effective.


Well-Known Member
Damn man, you have to fight all that, just go inside... ;p
I know right? Most people seem to have little to no pest problems.
But dreams of huge plants die hard. Just a few large outdoor ladys could last most of the year.

But I do grow in a cab in my shed also, cause its a total gamble outdoors.

I guerilla grow on others property, i cant put up radios, or owls.
I believe i tried colonge/ perfume last year an they failed also.


Well-Known Member
I would kill many many animals to get a good harvest,
Fuckn rodents deserve to die for plants they killed.
There is no shortage of jack rabbits an mice in fields here.
The farmers pray for there demise and kill em also.....

Also growing in trees worked for me last year. Rodents an insects left my tree plant alone.
years ago i thought like that. now i realise if u work with nature it works with you not against you. try rat traps instead of ratsak, . ?Rats only eat small seedlings ( 2 blades) mice eat seed. put the seedlings out larger say 2 weeks old then only prob is deer etc so build a good fence. if a rat eats poison ,it heads straight for water thus contaminating the creek.
u wont stop rodents getting in with bird wire.,just put out bigger seedlings. trust me if u look after things out there,it looks after you.

Brick Squad

Active Member
I agree with buds.
Germinate inside and let em sit in the window seal for a few weeks to get some growth to them
what kinda birds eat your bud? im just curious


Well-Known Member
years ago i thought like that. now i realise if u work with nature it works with you not against you. try rat traps instead of ratsak, . ?Rats only eat small seedlings ( 2 blades) mice eat seed. put the seedlings out larger say 2 weeks old then only prob is deer etc so build a good fence. if a rat eats poison ,it heads straight for water thus contaminating the creek.
u wont stop rodents getting in with bird wire.,just put out bigger seedlings. trust me if u look after things out there,it looks after you.
I put out 2 ft tall ladies tell i ran out of em,8 ish. Size didnt matter. Some got eaten at 3 ft, an it was mice witch just chewed the stem in half. It got in therw my doubled up chickn wire cages. So I went in with 1/4 in cages.

Half the time the stupid rodents wouldnt eat the reppelent treated plant, just its roots.lol

If you want to go deer hunting just plant weed, I busted about 10 of em IN MY SPOT last year (got it on video), left tracks around em all sping trying to get in the cages.

Cannabis Krew 420

Active Member
could slugs be an issue too? if that is the case you simply need copper wire
This is very interesting to me, I had slud problems this year and had NO idea how to deal with it except kill em when i found them.

What does the copper wire do? im assuming you make a ring around your plant? or what? do slugs not like copper?