What else do i need

Hello fellow growers. I have been trying to make the best grow room I can with what i have...What i have is a 400w MH light and about 8 florescent ballasts with 16 florescent bulbs an aquarium and many pots, 2 fans and a bathroom fan... I have been adding new things as i think of them. Heres how i have it set up. My room is 10x11 with 7 foot ceilings (pretty big room) i have the 400MH hanging with a few plants around it ...3 florescent ballasts screwed together hanging with plants under that. 20 germinated seeds in peat cups beside the aquarium which i have turned into a humidity box for my dying clones. i have fans set up around the room but the 400 keeps it pretty warm in there (no thermometer yet) i have yet to figure out how to set up the bathroom fan as i just got it last night and i have drop ceiling so it cant very well go in thee ceiling. any tips would be great... I have 6 of the Jamacan strain. 13 purple widow and 20 texadela timewarp seedlings that have yet to sprout even after 4 days ( not one?) and 4 dying clones of the Jamacan strain as well.. ANY COMMENTS OR ADVICE ON WHAT I SHOULD DO OR WHAT IM DOING WRONG OR EVEN THAT IM DOING A GOOD JOB ARE APPRECIATED! Here are some pics050412_1423[00].jpg050412_1424[00].jpg050412_1424[01].jpg050412_1424[02].jpg


Active Member
First bit of advice I would give is get a thermometer. I got a great one on amazon for about 5euro. Its very useful to have one that records max and min temps. also its quite easy to get one that records humidity which would also be very useful.


You need to think about using your space and lights efficiently. Just hanging a bunch of lights over plants in a room is not a good idea. You're loosing so much of that light to open space. You need to build some sort of enclosure around each stage of your grows. If that were my room I would build a flowering chamber, a vegetation chamber and a smaller enclosure for my mother plants and cloning. At the very least you are going to want somewhere to flower your plants that is lightproof. This can be as simple as partitioning off part of the room with a curtain (panda film works great) or building a partition out of walls or buying a grow tent. Just as long as the area you are flowering in is 100% light proof from the inside. If you just want to grow all the way from seed to bud without separating the flowering and vegetation I would recommend still partitioning off part of that room because it's way to big for a 400w MH. Not sure what wattage your floros are but it would take a hell of a lot to fill that space. You are going to want some HPS lighting for your flowering but I would decide the dimensions of the area you want to flower in and then buy the appropriate wattage lighting. What's your plans with the bathroom fan? What kind of florescent lighting do you have?
I am purchasing an aeroponic cloner from ebay tomorrow for my cloning, but the majority of my plants are going to be going outside in a few weeks. I am only going to keep a few of each strain inside, and for that I have just purchased a 1000w HPS bulb ballast and shield. The bathroom fan i have screwd to the piece of wood in the ceiling holding the 400 MH and it just sucks all the hot air from the light and the rest of the room (heat rises) and blows it through a hose out of the room. I have your regular 4100k and 3600k floresents with a couple warm whites as well. and 1 6500k daylight CFL