what gets rid of red eye fast?


Active Member
anyone know what gets rid of red eye the fastest and last longest, if ya got a good answer like a type of visine, let me know, thanks


Well-Known Member
visine red eye
or whatever its called
that stuffs decent but if you really want to blast the red out get the brand ROTO and get the green cap ones at first they make your eyes redder but after about a mnute your eyes look like pearls.......great stuffuse em all the time


Well-Known Member
Concentrate on it.... real hard ^^ made my eyes go white again ^^

hahah no shit.... since then i dont have it anymore.. it was a miracle ^^

^^ nah just kidding man.... good smoke = Red Eyes... but u could get some visine....


Well-Known Member
Rhotos are the best hands down. They are at any Walgreens or Wal-Mart. They range like 6 bucks but they last awhile and they are amazing.


Well-Known Member
RHOTOS HAHA GREEN CAP OR THE BLUE, there expensive but all you have to do is steal them from the store, not that hard, no one comment either about not stealing....:roll:


Active Member
thanks alot seriously, cause i used visine before and they were white for a lil while, then i walked into the mall and went to spencers and by the time i got there they were bright red again, and the ppl workin there knew, and they came up and asked me if i was high, it was a disaster, thank god i was in there and not in a place like american eagle or hollister lol


Active Member
oh blve me ive stolen shit before, nothing huge, just sunglasses, lighters, bracelets, necklaces, so stealin that shouldnt be a problem lol


Well-Known Member
Visene (SP) Advanced - My Favorite - I have been stoned and used it right after and never called on my eyes.
Visene allergy is good too.


Active Member
putting them in b4 you smoke ive heard of it tried it and to tell you the truth i still dont know if it works for sure....

but rhoto green cap is most definitly the way to go first drop in each eye is gonna burn a bit then you will feel so fresh to tell you the truth it might even trip you out a bit... have fun :)


Well-Known Member
never try'd that :D :mrgreen:
I know. It's a typical stoner to think first about getting high, then getting rid of the red eye. Sometimes you have to stay one step ahead of everyone else. It keeps me on my game. :mrgreen::peace::joint: