what has happened to my plant!!!!?????

chongo bongo

Active Member
I haven't checked on then in a few days and the soil was pretty dry. Could it be just from not being watered? Please help I'm freakin out



Active Member
yes has dryed l out mate dont know if there is any saving her but get some water down her ASAP!!

chongo bongo

Active Member
:evil:AGGHH. I moved my plants to a friends house case I was catching some heat at my place and trusted that they would take care of my babies in between my visits. I'm gonna kick their ass for neglecting my girls. Damnit.:cuss:


Active Member
dont give your plants to people who dont know how to take care of them
AGREED! my babys never leave my site not even to my best! mate its gutting mate cous looks like it would of been a nice plant but hey there is still time to save it let me know how it gets on bro good luck :)

chongo bongo

Active Member
I didn't have any other choice. It was either move the op or kill em. I hope it pulls through. That Damn plant is prolly close to 3 ft tall and I've replanted it about 6 times deeper and deeper. Now the place where I topped it is a couple inches above the soil. I'm gonna go cry I think :(
That is a cartoonish version of a plant that needs water- lol. They should come right out of it though and whatever you lost you could just get back letting flower longer.

chongo bongo

Active Member
Awesome that's what I needed to hear. Thank you. I sure hope they bounce back. My last two plants have almost died before. Been dry and crisp for the nigga part and then BAM green as fuck and shooting past my others

chongo bongo

Active Member
Thanks. I've been at work all night and I had my girl take pictures of them but wouldn't send em to me or tell me hour it looked and I was itchin to get home to check it out. So glad its lookin better


Active Member
ha bet you couldn't wait i would have been the same well yer glad all is good now mate i have 9 blueberry going at moment would be gutted if i out happend to them ha