what have i done?.....pics

this ww fem is six weeks from seed
using t5 vho.
just right soil
gen organic nutes every other watering
7 gal smart pot ph adjusted well water always worked well so far

Picture 268.jpg
the four sisters beside this plant look normal
noticed this droopy girl and her color obviously screwed something up.
i only water when the pots are light and have no bugs , thanks
Picture 267.jpgPicture 266.jpg


Well-Known Member
i don't thnik there is anyhing wrong.. just don't water for 3-4 days and it may need some more food. whats the ratio?
thanks zuby, ratio is tspn per gal. i did feed yesterday and seen the plants green up some.they droop sometimes after watering. the light has trouble penetrating so i moved it to hps for the day or mmay leave it in there.its my first time with strain.
there so bushy four fill up footprint.the kush next to them is fed same and green,healthy. these ww plants went apeshit from day one.probly tired of me staring at it.thanks again i will wait till there dry to water again and hope thats it


Well-Known Member
they look ok dude. they'll be fine like above hold off on the water let them pull up towards light.


Well-Known Member
no I mean whats the ratio of your nutes.. 10-10-10? 20-10-5?

anyway yeah yellowing is ususally lack of N. so i'd just give it a little feeding. not full strength see if the colors get green again


Well-Known Member
The left plant is biger so i guess it needs little bit more N than the other. Each plant eats different amounts of N..is like humans. Some are greedy, some are anorexic


Well-Known Member
All plants looked okee dokee to me. A lil lighter green ain't nuttin but a chicken wang. Your plants look just fine.
I wouldn't deviate from your manufaturers feeding schedule. Really. People kill plants with kindness.