What I wish I knew from day 1..


Well-Known Member
This is open to anyone and and for everyone.. Please add what you wish knew from day 1.

1. I've tried numerous methods.. Some from members.. Some from magazine's so you know it's a tip older than the hills.. But most from hours of trial and error.. If you have the cash to outright solve any issue by just a plug and play solution I'm kinda jealous..

Here's my tip.. Hand syphon from Walmart sold in the car/rv department.. Looks like a hand pump for inflating balls/bike tires.. I pump directly out into my sink/ whatever disposal system your useing.. The pump can fill a gallon jug in less than 30 seconds.. I made it so each of my runoff collectors had their own tube attached so NO BENDING OVER. Picture a distributor cap..

I hope u get the idea.. My talent isn't in my hands.. Or is it grammar. So I know u guys could a way better setup even if it's only purely asthettical.


Well-Known Member
Attach mylar to poster board.. The poster board to walls.. Not Mylar directly to the wall..
When cutting run Scotch tape on the mylar where u plan to cut.. And cut the Scotch tape as disired.. This helps with straighter lines.. And helps the bunching that topically happens when u cut mylar..