What If We Stopped Giving A Fuck About Slutty Politicians?


Well-Known Member
IF we payed attention to the Ron Paul's of the world we wouldn't be having this conversation.
Politics are the way they are and politicians are as disgusting and corrupt as they are because we allow it. It's not their fault....it's ours. This world sux because we are a lazy, entitled, uneducated mindless socialist societies and we can only blame our selves. Wiener's Wiener is appalling to so many yet those same folks don't pay attention to the politics and legislative desires of his marxist and collectivist desires for an Authoritarian Government. Fuck people not politics.


Well-Known Member
This guy in this video is exactly what I am talking about. Mindless idiot that has no perspective are principles by which he gauges his existence.


Active Member
wealth and power afford one a greater opportunity for vice.
This is so true if you are not prepared for wealth and power it can lead you to your worse vice without you even knowing it.

Anyway OP, I do believe we as a society for some reason have made sex a bad thing something to be ashamed of.
It is something that we must not tell other people about, where this ever came in I do not know.

Sex is an enjoyable part of life, romance it, have fun with it.

But I do believe when you make a commitment to somebody in the form of marriage, then you should keep to that commitment.

As for politicians that are not married, if there out having sex with somebody, why is it any of my business. It is not going to affect the way they do there job, if it does then we have a problem.


Well-Known Member
sounds like he's got proper perspective to me.
but then, i'm rational.
Rational????? This guy doesn't understand the problem, Us! we are the problem. Politicians only do the thing they do because we are a bunch of retarded lazy Socialist pussies.

Ration'al has nothing to do with whether or not he [man in vid] has the correct compass by which he gauges the correct direction of a free people. Someone who finds value and morality in the "collective good" imo, is a mindless twit with little more value than the video he posted.

But then again, I am a irrational person who value's human liberty and individual rights.