What in the HELL is this crap on my leaves?


Grow is growing beautifully! Only I opened my tent today to discover these little white "flicks" all over a few leaves. I am terrified that they are spider mites or thrips or something. I have some magnified photos, and also some of the leaves, in case this is also a demonstration of leaf damage from the potential pests. Please, please help me identify what this is!

Also, the close-up of one of the stems... is this the beginning of powdery mildew?



leaf damage


powdery mildew?

Are those things eggs? Have you squished one?
I have squished one, they are not wet but kind of crunchy and flaky. They are so symmetrical though that I don't think there is any way that it is micro-debris from vermiculite or anything like that.

They totally look like eggs though, right?
Well I definitely be having nightmares tonight until I wake up and hopefully have some answers as to what I'm dealing with here (if anything). Looking forward to feedback!

Thanks NinjaBowler for helping me at least rule out powdery mildew, theres one nightmare I was affraid of having to deal with.

Damnit I hope this isn't an infestation of something... it's only the 6th day of flowering!


Well-Known Member
Well I definitely be having nightmares tonight until I wake up and hopefully have some answers as to what I'm dealing with here (if anything). Looking forward to feedback!

Thanks NinjaBowler for helping me at least rule out powdery mildew, theres one nightmare I was affraid of having to deal with.

Damnit I hope this isn't an infestation of something... it's only the 6th day of flowering!
cant be a bad idea to sray with neem right now just in case.
cant be a bad idea to sray with neem right now just in case.
I agree; might go to the grow shop and buy some spray. Also probably pick up some CO2 pucks and fill the tent for an hour or so with CO2 to piss the bugs off (if there are bugs --- I still haven't actually really seen any actual living organisms).
I wasn't able to take a picture, but I found weird little white worm on one of my leaves; it was already dead though. What are they?


Well-Known Member
yeah man, i don't know about the worm but 'little white flecks on the leaves' sounds like spider mites and you shouldn't freak out over it, it's just a pest and if you do some research into it's life cycle you will see they aren't that difficult to deal with.

for starters, if you don't have that neem yet, you can just put some water into a spray bottle and add a couple drops of dishwashing detergent, it turns out soap works like an acid on mite shells, just make sure you spray the undersides of your leaves as this is where they congregate and where they lay their eggs.

...here is a book i HIGHLY recommend you add to your reference library, in it you will find a wealth of information on more pests than you are ever likely to see in your lifetime, lol.

Marijuana Garden Saver: Handbook for Healthy Plants

peace, bozo
Neem? What a horrible idea, neem oil is bad, it suffocates the plant if you use it wrong, einstein oil is okay but not just neem, it has to be the cold pressed, but thats still weak, azamax is a bit better, its not mildew, also, neem wont work properly without saturator or some dish soap, hate to disagrea on here, but neem oil is not what you want, unless when you cut it up and roll it you want the paper to be oily, but you dont:)
Its also not mites, the leaves are way to clean, it does look like mite eggs if under microscope, however its not, you would see alot more going on under there, not to mention theres no bite marks on the leaves, im not saying i know what it is, but its not mites, i had a bad case of mites for a long time, as i say, the leaves are much to clean


Well-Known Member
Just looked at some possibilites for you. Doesnt really look like anything i saw lol. Maybe a little like thrip eggs or leaf miners. I dont know.
Just looked at some possibilites for you. Doesnt really look like anything i saw lol. Maybe a little like thrip eggs or leaf miners. I dont know.
I was thinking leaf miners too; never heard of them until today. In retrospect, their little eggs have tiny little holes bored out in the middle where they "made their escape" to eat my god damned jungle. I'm telling you right now, I'm Arnold Schwarzennegar and I'm not letting the predators eat my jungle!

I sprayed the crap out of my tent (top side and bottom side as best as possible; it was hard because it's so dense) with the following product (based on my local hydro shop's advice; they specifically said not to use neem in flowering, even though I'm only now 7 days in):

Manufacturer: Safer's
Product Name: End-All II

Label name: Safer's End-All II
Description: Miticide / Insecticide / Aracicide
Claims: Controls all stages of aphids, whitefly, scale, spider mites, and mealybugs on indoor houseplants and greenhouse plantings, and aphids, caterpillars, beetles and other listed insects on fruit trees, landscape trees, omamentals, flowers, shrugs, vegetables, and ching bug on turf.

Will let you know how it looks. I sprayed the SHIT out of them. The temptation to go nuclear is strong, I was told this spray is highly unlikely to damage the plant, especially this early into flower. Will know what I'm dealing with in 30 minutes when lights come on.
I really really appreciate the feedback guys. This is my first indoor grow and I'm so proud of what I have going on, the fact that I have any challenges at all to deal with is upsetting, I would be devastated to lose this crop, I've been told by anybody who's ever seen it that it's a beautiful grow. I don't want to let little pests ruin the party on me!

ThE sAtIvA hIgH

Well-Known Member
I really really appreciate the feedback guys. This is my first indoor grow and I'm so proud of what I have going on, the fact that I have any challenges at all to deal with is upsetting, I would be devastated to lose this crop, I've been told by anybody who's ever seen it that it's a beautiful grow. I don't want to let little pests ruin the party on me!
letting 'people' see you're grow is much more likely to ruin the party my friend .
letting 'people' see you're grow is much more likely to ruin the party my friend .
Well, very few have seen. Major discretion used. I have a "negative" security policy. People knowing about it is always automatic "NO". It's only me, my wife and my brother in law who are aware. I did make it sound like I had an open house going on or something didn't I? lol
I still see some damage on the leaves, but I don't think there's any new damage. No more little eggs on the leaves or the branches either, so that's a really good thing.


they r little mite and they normally r in a group like a bunch of eggs,they r a pest Seven is good spray,takes care of them and the lil dirt nats too,