What in the HELL is this crap on my leaves?


no one has seen mine and no one will,that way i f'n know,,,but u want to screem and tell people look,look,i did this,then u r f'd,,,down hill from there mentally,,,


Well-Known Member
they r little mite and they normally r in a group like a bunch of eggs,they r a pest Seven is good spray,takes care of them and the lil dirt nats too,
no one has seen mine and no one will,that way i f'n know,,,but u want to screem and tell people look,look,i did this,then u r f'd,,,down hill from there mentally,,,
so, were you just born ignorant or did you have to go to school to learn how to be such an asshole?

they r little mite and they normally r in a group like a bunch of eggs,they r a pest Seven is good spray,takes care of them and the lil dirt nats too,
That's good to know, thanks for the input.

I am convinced that they are leaf miners though. I saw a single dead white worm in there, little tiny thing. There are little white mucus-looking "spots" on some of the leaves, and when I leave them they turn brown and there is little trails to where whatever it is that did it went. The shit I've been spraying with isn't going to cut it apparently. From what I read, if they are indeed leaf-miners, I need to use neem oil, end of story. The little bastards that are inside of the leaf will continue to munch away happily at the leaf until the next phase of their life cycles, and then be unable to get out because of the neem oil sealing them in; the cycle is broken!

I hope I'm not full of crap, I hate spraying my plants with insecticides.


Well-Known Member
That's good to know, thanks for the input.

I am convinced that they are leaf miners though. I saw a single dead white worm in there, little tiny thing. There are little white mucus-looking "spots" on some of the leaves, and when I leave them they turn brown and there is little trails to where whatever it is that did it went. The shit I've been spraying with isn't going to cut it apparently. From what I read, if they are indeed leaf-miners, I need to use neem oil, end of story. The little bastards that are inside of the leaf will continue to munch away happily at the leaf until the next phase of their life cycles, and then be unable to get out because of the neem oil sealing them in; the cycle is broken!

I hope I'm not full of crap, I hate spraying my plants with insecticides.
...you should probably pluck any affected leaves as well, that way they won't spread so fast.

peace, bozo
...you should probably pluck any affected leaves as well, that way they won't spread so fast.

peace, bozo
Working on that too. I gave them a good old fashioned soaking with neem oil today :) Hopefully that solves the problem. Only thing is that my "jungle" is so dense, I found it very difficult to get underneath the leaves. I'm sure that I missed the underside of many of them.

Also, I am only 9 days into flowering now, but the buds are starting to develop, so I can only neem for a little while longer before I start affecting the bud quality. At least I know what I'm dealing with.

Po boy

Well-Known Member
leaf miner damage is easy to see. they live between the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf. best thing to do if it is small problem is remove the infested leaves and dispose or flush down a camode. also as mentioned earlier, a few drops of liquid soap and water to spray on the leaves. soap will suffocate a lot of pests. GL
have see your last thread and woo good stuff and hmm 4 plants it is cuttung or seed? keep it going mraliens
It's from seed, which is what potentially makes it that much more painful to see damage done to my ladies; I've only been flowering for 9 days, I was vegging for like 80 days. What a waste of a quarter of a year if this fails!
leaf miner damage is easy to see. they live between the upper and lower surfaces of the leaf. best thing to do if it is small problem is remove the infested leaves and dispose or flush down a camode. also as mentioned earlier, a few drops of liquid soap and water to spray on the leaves. soap will suffocate a lot of pests. GL
I'm going to google it now, so I don't even know why I'm asking, but what is a "camode"?
I'm going to google it now, so I don't even know why I'm asking, but what is a "camode"?
Well, you will be delighted to know that I googled it, and I appear to have mistaken a "camode" as some wonder product that can help destroy leaf miners. It is a wonder product none the less, in the regard that you can flush all kinds of shit down there. I feel foolish now.


Well, you will be delighted to know that I googled it, and I appear to have mistaken a "camode" as some wonder product that can help destroy leaf miners. It is a wonder product none the less, in the regard that you can flush all kinds of shit down there. I feel foolish now.
lmfao.....I live in redneck, hillbilly ville and I don't even hear the toilet referred to as the "camode" anymore. None of the old heads seem to use it either.


What's funny...my neighbor used the word this morning. I fell out laughing...

The way things happen. Life's little enjoyments.


Active Member
I hope you've gotten your problem fixed...nothing worse than getting so far and then being attacked by a pest. I've never had your problem, but if you ever get mites...go buy some tobacco and make a tea out of it. Dilute it, and add a drop or two of dishsoap...the tobacco can stain a bit, but it saved my grow.