What industries are the next big ones...


Well-Known Member
Over the last 5-10 years one of the biggest industries has been Real Estate Sales, Construction and Mortgage Lending, these industries were holding a large portion of economy on it's shoulders at many times over this period and we saw the huge surge in the computer industry doing similar things in a much smaller scale. So what are going to be the next industries to rely on to drive the the economy next?

Building and investing in alternate energy sources seem to be thrown around a bit, but what about prisons and farming out the labor. We could once again have a cheap labor source again and they pay these prisoners what 60-90 cents an hour and there are plenty of volunteers! And if we re-institute debtors prison some of this bail out money could be repaid with this labor pool till the original debt could be paid. I am only kidding, sort of...

But more seriously we are a sales oriented society and could figure out a way to farm out this sales force to the world. If we could get hemp allowed we could have a very large industry creating products from it.

Just a few thoughts yes some are crazy but I'm just trying to get some ideas on this.

Dirty Harry

Well-Known Member
I think the next ones to fall are the automotive manufactures, trucking companies, and airlines...After that the dominoes will really start falling down hill. Once the trucking companies have problems, EVERYONE will be having problems.


Well-Known Member
Auto I can see, but they aren't as reliant on credit as one would imagine. I think Retail's going to get a hit, especially retailers that offer credit.