Why were plants and animals bigger on this earth at one time........AND HUMANS?
ATMOSPHERE and ENVIRONMENT was different before the deluge of Noah and the last Big Disaster.
Evolution and many of the Sciences are so false that it is disgusting........WE WALKED, with the Dino's " literally " wether anyone refuses to believe that and other truths or not..
Most of the Geniuses of our times, had one thing in common, besides their Big Hearts and Drive to do something great for mankind..........they had and still have at times......BIG MOUTHS.
The Eagle is usually so lonely being an Eagle and trying to find other Eagles, that he or she will spend their time with TURKEYS and not realize, that the TURKEYS will always hurt them, even if sometimes not intentional, because most TURKEYS will never Understand.....The Eagle.
The Eagles loneliness persists and eventually the EAGLE will open their Big Mouth and share their wisdom with the TURKEYS and then the TURKEYS take what the Big Hearted Eagle has found or created and uses it for control and dark agendas.
I raised Reptiles for over 20 years and have copious amounts of research concerning many things in wildlife, that I have experianced first hand and also with my travels, the diversity and truth of nature.
Things were bigger and better before the last disaster, for a few reasons.
We had MUCH MORE C02 in the air and about 10% more 02 concentrations " along with some other gases " and the Barometer was way LOW " like being about 20ft below the water and EVERYTHING WAS BIGGER........INCLUDING HUMANS.......PERIOD.
The suns UV and Gamma rays were also much more intense and the MAIN REAL CAUSE OF EVOLUTION.........Todays evolutionary Theories are DEAD WRONG.....PERIOD.
Evolution occures when you simply take an embryo and expose it too environmental cues, that along with UV and Gamma, allow for the organism to evolve into a new form.........this is not mutations I am speaking of.........but the REAL EVOLUTIONARY STORY OF EVERYTHING.
What you are looking at IS CANNABIS...........in it's orginal form.....the form it was in " before the last great environmental disaster ", when we ate of it and received all of it's healing and rejuvenating properties, except that it is MUCH MUCH MORE POTENT.
Cannabis even today, grows the largest and most potent from mountainous regions or high elevation.
Simply; " Higher elevations have a lower Barometric pressure and a higher amount of UV and Gamma Rays from the sun, that allows the Cannabis to preform and grow better and more potent. "
Being on a mountain to Cannabis, simply reminds it as to how it feels to be truly free at least just a little bit more than the ones grown at lower altitudes.
If there are any eagles around here.........use your minds and search your hearts and you will have understanding of everything that I have given, wether I have given it in parable form or not...stop smoking so much for a moment and re-read everything again, in this post and if you still do not get it.........you probably will not until the day comes.......
As for the TURKEYS, .......you too can become an eagle.........if you try and are dilligent......at least I have always believed that....because I have always had faith in people........even though it has caused demise in the past......." forgive them, for they know not what they do.... "
Blessings and Love,