What is it !


Well-Known Member
Oki found this what do you people think would this be enough or will I need PH UP AND DOWN AND DOES THIS PH meter look ok and how do I use it what I'm I doing and what do I look for ?? And reviews say it does not stay calibrated for to long is this garbage any others used by you guys and proven with a good track record ??



Well-Known Member
That's a basic yellow meter that most of us start with, it's easy to calibrate and use but you will need to calibrate it frequently. I use Apera meters. Yes, you will need something to adjust your pH Up and Down.

I also use GH Flora but I buy the three part only, all those little additive bottles are cute but they're unnecessary in my opinion. For little more than what that box costs I got 3 one gallon bottles. All I add is a Cal Mag supplement if needed
-good luck:leaf:
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