What is more beneficial?


I see many indoor growers using soil and hydro. I see many outdoor growers as well. Is there something wrong with growing and starting outdoors the whole time, even through vegetative stage?

To me it seems indoor starting with simple cfl lights is effective. However, i don't have room for a setup like that. I honestly want confirmation that i can get a great grow just as fast outside with care.



I have 13 germinated seedlings ready to be planted. What would you do at this stage? I'm asking this as a simple question from everyone so i can see different input.


Well-Known Member
Throw them in soil in a pot out back. I personally let them get 2 nodes under CFLs first though.

Sun > lights in almost all cases when you consider intensity/cost.


Yeah you are right about the ratio. I am a 1st time grower - with that i will just say i should be simple as possible with the least overhead. I will start them in 13 different red plastic cups. I think this should be efficient for two weeks before transplanting right? I am using a simple soil that contains peralite sand and that other stuff, along with guano and worm.


Well-Known Member
Sounds good, I recommend Fox Farms Ocean Forest with Pearlite.

Picture from last night:



Yeah i just checked their product line and downloaded there grow list sheet. I noticed for the first few weeks of growth you use 18 hours of light then cut down to 12 after those four weeks. Around here we have 14 hours in-between sunrise and sunset. What should i do?