what is on my plant?

received_10153139220597363.jpeg What is on my stem? It almost looks like plastic wrap or something. It seems to stop when it hits the cotyledons, so is this some sort of natural protective layer? Or is this bad? This is on all 3 of my plants. This is my first grow so any and all help is greatly appreciated. And yes I know my plants are stretchy lol
Do you have some sort fan to create a breeze? When the plant first sprouts. I usually add a small fan so the plant moves circular motion. The motion actually helps strength the stem of the plant. A strong base will be good foundation for you plant.
The stem should be thick and so training your plant shouldn't be a problem. The stem in my opinion is bit long. I am not sure if its the angle of the picture. But the best way to make sure the plant stem to stay short is making sure the plant doesn't have to reach for the light source. I like put the CFLs as close as I can to plant in the beginning. At the end of the day we are all looking for more nodes and branches to produce fruit!
The stem should be thick and so training your plant shouldn't be a problem. The stem in my opinion is bit long. I am not sure if its the angle of the picture. But the best way to make sure the plant stem to stay short is making sure the plant doesn't have to reach for the light source. I like put the CFLs as close as I can to plant in the beginning. At the end of the day we are all looking for more nodes and branches to produce fruit!
Yeah I know they are tall and stretchy right now, but when I transplant them tomorrow morning I will bury them almost to the cotyledons 8-)8-)8-)