what is the best non-violent form of revenge

OMG this is the best thread ever!!! lol i say that the best idea is to respond immediately but smart. just like denzel said in training day, its not what you know its what you can prove! do whatever u decide for retalliation just make sure he cant prove your involvment in any way. an alibi is always a great thing to have also.
before you do anything, you need to get your hands on a pre-paid, untraceable, discard-able cell phone. you will also need a little device that will distort your voice, they're cheap online. this cell phone cannot be turned on or have the battery in it anywhere near your house (just in case). get at least 5 miles from your house before ever turning it on. and promptly shut it down and throw it off the golden gate bridge when done using it.

don't get involved with credit-card fraud. if you think you can dish out a nasty revenge because this kid stole some plants, you have no idea how vindictive and sadist credit card companies can be when they are stolen from. it'll be a double-edged sword that will poke YOU a lot harder than it will him.

17 thousand dollars worth of pot deserves at least a 3 or 4 thousand dollar security system. you weren't prepared for the if's of growing, and let it teach you a lesson. get some security, you have no idea how persuasive 4 100+ pound pitbulls can be to a curious onlooker.
he has elbows of weed right now.. and he thinks you guys are cool.. set him up and call the 5-oh, drop a half lb in his trunk, and call annon and say he tried to sell it to your 10 yr old kid.. maybe toss a 9mm next to it.. It aint violence untill after he reaches the pen..

why dont he just get a lil kid to say the thief touched him in the no-no area, would make it a lot easier and will save em a half lb :-P
Another thing i wanted to mention. Ive had grew up in a shit hole of a town in the ghetto and ive seen a lot of bogus shit happen to good people. Id almost bet money that this punk has fucked alot of other people over too. Guys like these almost always wind up dead or in prison because of there complete disregard for anyone but themselves. Where im from people get shot or stabbed up just for lookin at you wrong. Dont know how it is where you are from but here hed already be dead. my point is no need to kill him when somebody else might. hey ive seen it before and just the other day this fuckin puke who ripped me off for a qp a few years back od on heroin. sweet. rest in piss bitch.
just shit in a bag get lil gas in there an light it on fire and throw it on his porch car or just where ever you feel nesisary
why dont he just get a lil kid to say the thief touched him in the no-no area, would make it a lot easier and will save em a half lb :-P

yeah, its tuff to find kid's that'll stick to the story when the pressure is on.. me personally I don't believe in non-violence ;-)
me neither,, but i always semm to feel bad after i hurt someone lol,, maybe its cos im a father and i know that its someones son, i dunno,, i jus think that some peeps mistake kindness for weakness and they only understand one language,, unfortunately needs must sometimes:)
break fluid on his paint always works
but if it were me, if he has some pets, theyd be cut up in pieces on his front door step, sorry im a sick person lol

Thats fucking horrible if someone did SHIT to my pets i would fucking murder them.

My advice is inject him with some horrible diseases or take him somewhere really far away and handcuff him to something.
Thats fucking horrible if someone did SHIT to my pets i would fucking murder them.

My advice is inject him with some horrible diseases or take him somewhere really far away and handcuff him to something.

yeah seriously, the animals didn't do that shit they dont deserve that such a thing
well guys, i hate to say, i got robbed for 1 lb last week. This guy scams people on Budtrader.com.

Anyways, I set up a trap and think I lured the same guy. I think I can meet him again, getting a friend to do the talking and ambush him.
get some spraypaint and at the beggining of your road paint in big letters child molester rapist thief etc with arrows leadimg to his front door
what i have done b4 when someone fucks with me is i get spark plugs break the white peice off throw it at the window it makes no noise then get an m1000 add an extra fuse to it poor sum gas in his car light that puppie on top of the dash run i mean run shit will blow out all window and light it on fire he will get the message not to fuck with you. cuz if you light it from the gas tank your risking the car blowing up and possibly hurting somebody and police will have no problem haunting you down. and remeber always deny everything they will interagate you theyll tell you they have video they have witnesses its bullshit trust me on that. they might put you in hand cuff but that does not mean your areested it mean your detained. you'll be arrested after they read you your rights fuck that guy truck up also slash his tiers with box cutters
Post a craigslist article that he's looking for man meat! and post his phone number on it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Repeat daily for several weeks. :)
IDK you cant fuck up someones life too worse than framing them for child pornography haha get it on his hard drive or something make a tip.
Wait, even better...post on craigslist that he is having an open invitation gay gang bang orgy. Post address, fake gay pics, telephone number, etc. believe me, he'll have like 20 people a day calling him :D ha!
Karma is real shit...Or coincidence in my life. Do whatever you need to do to feel better.

But I grew with a best friend one time. He was like my bro. We lived together for awhile, did eveything together. Then the big mo fo harvested and told me we only got two pounds from 25 plants. I seen the plants the week before, they were 6 feet tall. There was definitely at least 10 pounds. Anyway, I started them all, bought everything we needed cause he didn't have a job and walked away with a bit of wet dope.

I let it go because I really loved his parents. And as the years go on his life gets more and more fucked. He has been busted with 22 pounds in his trunk, his girlfriend had a miscarriage, and he rolled a 2005 F-150 for which he only had PLPD insurance.

In the end, I am completely satisfied and have no regrets not doing anything to him. It may not be karma, but stupid people have whats coming to them and I'm sure there is more to come for him.
ye just tp his house or something. Make sure to do something to his car as well. I dont like thieves at all.