what is the rite nutrient ppm


Active Member
hello guys i need help to know what is the rite ppm levels for my plants starting from cuttings to harvest...

am using DNF nutrients A n B grow And A n B blooming formulas plus floralicious bloom floralicious grow plus big bud. those are my nutrients. now i have 56 clones am using the e-z cloner plus i have becuzz rooted additives what is the rite ppm level for my clones in the ez cloner.????

after they rooted and transplanted into soil what is the starting ppm level i vege my plants for 1 month 2 weeks and then transplant then into soil what is the rite ppm to grow then fast what is the more and less not to harm then??

im flowering 12 plants using 3 1000hps i started out with 1000 ppm nutrient level am i doing the rite thing starting out like this do i need to increase it or lower it i still have 8 weeks to flower i just started they are on their 2 day of 12/12
.....thank you i apreciate it:confused:


New Member
Here's what I do:

1. Unrooted cuttings get no nutes at all. In fact, I let them go with just plain RO water until they're ready to go into the big system to start vegging. I usually get a 100% success rate on my cuttings. No nutes. Go figure. :)

2. Vegging, depending upon strain, gets started at around 600 ppm, then increased to about 1000 ppm.

3. Flowering cycle, depending upon strain starts at 1000 ppm and goes to about 1500 ppm maybe more. Again ... this depends upon strain.

This is also dependent upon brand and combo of nutes used too.



Active Member
thanks man for ur answer..u mean no nutrients at all am using a e-z clone machine just water thats it..oohhh before i forget what is the ph level for cuttings i keep mines 5.8 am i doing the rite thing? i have bcuzz rooted for the cuttings what is the best method need help