What is this jerk?


Well-Known Member
caterpillars, ouch, they are super nasty to get rid of, and they will eat everything from the inside out my guess is most of your buds are hollow now.


Well-Known Member
Eat my bud, a lot, I caught hundreds!
Awww shit! If you are seeing hundreds, you have an infestation and your buds are likely shit for this grow :fire: It's the ones you aren't seeing that are in your buds eating and shitting. Their shit causes mold or bud rot. So even if you catch and kill every one of them lil' mother fukers (very doubtful), you'll still need to inspect each bud for mold (and more fukin' pillars). Lots of work, but you may salvage some smoke. Otherwise, just forget about this grow. :(

Now, hopefully having digested all that, you'll let this be a positive learning experience. So for your next outdoor grow you will be ready and you will continuously treat your plants with BT, (I use Safer Catapillar Killer) starting in the 4 or 5th week of veg (latest). You will also check your plants (DAILY), when in flower, especially your buds. Otherwise, you'll have no one but yourself to blame, if you let shit get too out of hand (like this grow did).

I know the feeling, I've lost quite a bit of bud to worms :cuss: All you can is try to minimize the damage. Sorry you got caught unaware this season :cry:

Good Luck whatever you decide to do :peace:


Well-Known Member
The most hated budworms. BT and Spinosad will work but you need to treat early. If you have an infestation good luck. Try to salvage what you can. If you can, get some twissors and start poking through your buds. You can usually look for dying or curling bud leaves and dig around for the worm. Watch out for bud rot, keep plants dry and ventilated well.


Well-Known Member
A soapy water solution kills them but i don't know about the ones in side, keep an eye out for butterfly eggs( usaully yellow in clusters underneath the leaves) if your growing outside ulyou can get butterfly netting,? The key thing is to catch them early,,,,


Well-Known Member
A good bet is an insecticide called Sevin dust. Shakes out like parmesean cheese and is totally benign to plants. So safe we used it in research labs when we found mites in the rodents cages. Gently dust the plant with a light coating of dust and don't be afraid to run a line around the baseboards, eh? BigSteve. PS - I use it when those pesky spider mites make an appearance.


Well-Known Member
Fucking budworms. They are my biggest fear this year due to the high amounts of vegetation where I am growing, but I am hoping that they will go after something else.
Sorry for your loss man


Well-Known Member
best thing to do with anyone is going to a pet store or garden center and pickup a box or bag of lady bugs they will eat every bug that will harm your plants. everything starts at a larvae stage so any larvae crawling around lady bugs will eat them. I use lady bugs all year round. Never have any problems with bugs other than cleaning up lady bug carcasses but that's not that hard. once they are past larvae stage they are useless unless you kill off the adults and worms first.