What is this!!!??? Pics


Well-Known Member
THIS brown crap is growing on my bubblestones in my DWC and im afraid its pythium??? my tank temps are 86 id there any way to bring it down to 70, my plants are yellowing and started to wilt im afraid its root rot. someone please me!



Well-Known Member
Yes that looks like a type of water mold. For your temps you could run your return line trough a radiator with a fan on it.


Well-Known Member
Thats some ugly looking shit.

I don't have a clue as to what it is but I got a few ideas on how to cool the res.
First Insulate your res with something, even a towel wrapped in duct tape is better then nothing.

The easiest is to put a fan on the water, gets you 4 to 5 degrees, Or freeze some plastic bottles
of water and keep one in the res and one in the freezer switching them every time lights go on.

Another is building a chiller out of a dorm fridge like I did here DIY Chiller

Running your lights at night will help slightly.

Purchase a chiller.


Well-Known Member
i will probably have to go with the water bottle how long will it last me though until i have to refreeze it, my lights are a 400 watt mh and is on for 23 hrs during my veg. here is a pic of what my plants are starting to look like, i guess the cause is this crap growing and my res temps being 866, will it recover if i get the temp down? im going to add h202 tonite, also i am using dutch master zone for the roots but im sure with temps that high in my water nothing will help til i lower the temp


Well-Known Member
thnks but does any one else know what this is and my plants would just stop growing and than wilt and turn yellow


Well-Known Member
What I would suggest is you clean out your res if you haven't already and see if it builds up again. maybe something accidentally got dropped in there. I have never seen it before and I have seen a lot of grows.

As far as how many time to replace the ice bottle it depends on how fast the res warms up. Insulate it, put a fan on it and drop in a bottle and measure temps in an hour or so.