What is this...


Active Member
I found this growing right by my dad's garden... looks like marijuana and smells like it but I kind of don't think he'd be growing it. I smoke it but have never grown it before so I'm not sure. I'm just looking to get the experts opinion. :)



Well-Known Member
how many leaves per set of fan leaves.
Mine have 7-9...

Unless there is a plant that looks just like mj that there is reefer dude.


Active Member
Hahahaha wow... maybe I'll just have him grow it for me...

Should I say something?


Active Member
Never seen him smoke. My uncle told me a story about how him and my dad grew it on their roof. He knows I do ( Never said anything but he knows. ) but says it's cool as long as I don't get in trouble.

3 - 5 leaves a fan but it looks like its still little.


Active Member
Depends on what type of person your dad is, if he is the have a laugh type of person you should talk to him and maybe you can convince him to share :p


Active Member
dude, say something. whats the worst that could happen? you get grounded. lol haha.
best thing, you could have a nice little father son team.
play it stupid when u ask him tho, see if he denies it.


Active Member
Haha he's a funny guy and I think he would just be pissed I found it. I guess if he finds my crappy rigged indoor setup I won't get in that much trouble. :)


Well-Known Member
you should just straight up go to him, with plant in hand, and say " dad, what the hell is this"
and see what he says, if he denies it. tell him you think that its marijuana, and see what he says. you can have a nice little talk.....then if hes cool with it...maybe u could show him yer indoor set-up.
but, my dad smoked, and he was the funny type of guy.....and he would of never let me grown indoors back in the day.


Active Member
I also know he smokes because my friend came over the other day after smoking and my dad came up to me and said " Mike was BAKED. " I kept saying he wasn't but he wouldn't believe me.


Active Member
Naa your dad is cool it sounds to me ask him if he would ever grow Marijuana? Then say I know you grow it! And it he says noo catch him red handed he is going to Come back to the plant and move it since you know.

beenthere donethat

Well-Known Member
If it was growin next to the garden in that pot...show it to him and ask him if he'll teach you how to grow...

If ya dug it up....put it back were ya got it....then go inside and tell him you found something in his garden that you're curious about...then show him.
He may not know it's there....or you may "bust" him so to speak...

either way he'll know you're wise enough to know what it is...and it may open up some good dialog.

I say this cus i'm a dad ...and i have some great/honest dialog w/ my kids... especially the 17 year old...

and if he beats yer ass and lectures you for some stupid reason...call the cops on him. That ain't cool and he deserves to get his own ass kickin in court.

good luck

bt dt


Active Member
Nah I didn't dig it up. Found 4 little guys in seperate pots kind of hidden from everything. The ironic thing is I was going to put my plants outside for a bit when I found them.