what is YOUR fav seeds company?



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Active Member
Serious definitely should be on there :)

I have not grown any any strain yet, but I'm going with Mr Nice and Serious to start and eventually make my way through everyone in the poll.
I don't know about nirvana or B.C but I got lots of years to go yet.

Brick Top

New Member
Serious definitely should be on there :)

I have not grown any any strain yet, but I'm going with Mr Nice and Serious to start and eventually make my way through everyone in the poll.

I don't know about nirvana or B.C but I got lots of years to go yet.

Let me help you out a bit. First BC Seeds:

This is the rip-off section. The following seedbanks I've heard many bad things about. They are NOT recommended. aka means also known as. X means they seldom or never send the product. N means sending non viable seeds (non sprouting seeds) M indicates they send very inferior seeds or nothing at all.

A-1 Seedbank (X,N)
BC Seeds (X,M)
Beeoo (X)
Fairlight (X,N)
Greenmanspage (X,M)
marijuanaseed.us (X) Software Services aka Cannabis4u aka Medical hemp aka [email protected] [L.Pafort] (X)
Richies Seedshack (X)
Stinkey's (X)
Weedseed (X)
Pot a Gold (X)


That should help you to eliminate BC Seeds from your list of who to consider.

Now Nirvana:

Some people love Nirvana and swear by it and become rather cross when anything less than kind is said about it but for the life of me I cannot understand how they have managed to remain in business.

I was growing decades before the Internet existed. I have hung around on boards of this type since they began to pop up. I have never over the years seen any breeder/seedbank be complained about anywhere near as much as Nirvana, well if you only go with seedbank and not breeder Marc Emery might have had more complaints, anyway there have been untold numbers of them and it has gone on for years. I do not think there is a breeder/seedbank horror story imaginable that I have not read or heard at least once about Nirvana, and some of them near countless times.

Maybe the reality about Nirvana is found midway between those that bow down before it and sacrifice small animals to it and someone like myself who cannot understand how it can continue to exist. That would mean maybe it is OK.

Well there are absolutely top notch breeders out there where there is no questioning or debating their skills and accomplishments and there are seedbanks known to be as reliable as one could ever be given the somewhat illicit nature of their products and having some trying to obstruct the distribution of said sold products, so why bother to gamble on a maybe or settle for OK when the very best is just as easily had?


Active Member
I've only grown from three different seed companies and advanced seeds has been my favorite. Their plants grow strong and have a lot of trichomes, more than the others companies that i've tried.

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
For me at this point growing a small amount of breeder seeds I will say DNA. Growing the cannalopes now and they have been no fuss easy to grow plants. 3 seeds planted 2 females totally different phenos but both great and quick flowering, and I still got 10 seeds left in my pack. I vegged some TGA and some Drgreenthumb and they were also both vigorous growers. From the dispensaries serious' Ak47 is always great smoke.

Brick Top

New Member
anyone have any expieriance with g13 labs ww or blue venom

I do not have any experience with G13 Labs White Widow but I did receive one free Blue Venom once and then one other time I received 5 regular beans. I cannot remember their name right now but it was predominantly sativa, I believe Thai was in the name, I could pick it out at Attitude or somewhere easily but I'm just to lazy to do that right now and since it is not a strain you asked about. I just included it because it is about a G13 strain and it did the same as one of those you asked about.

Again each were free beans and each time I grew the free bean or beans with the order I placed that they came with.

When I first saw the G13 beans I almost thought they were gag beans and if I looked a little deeper into the stealth packaging I would find the real beans. I had never seen beans that were so small before in my life that were viable beans.

Every one of them popped and popped faster than a good number of beans I have popped needed.

In most plants growth was vigorous enough to impress me. It was not just that nice good growth you like to see, it was like the plants were on steroids. I don’t mean they were growing like giants, out of control, not even the regular beans that were mostly sativa did that, though they did of course grow taller. But they were very thick very lush plants. The others, the less impressive ones had that nice good growth you like to see. No slow-pokes, no runts, no Ricky Retardo's that sort of headed off in all directions at times and in places .... they all had a very good overall structure. Some better than most but all good to very good.

Bud production was good. Not spectacular but good, nothing to be upset over at all. The plants were fairly frosty, the Blue Venom more so.

Something odd happened late in flower that I have not figure out, unless it is genetic, but in both cases, the Blue Venom and the females of the regular seeds, but late in flower right when the buds really begin to swell the trichomes seemed to dry up or evaporate or something.

I mentioned how the plants were fairly frosty and that was key to first spotting it. I could look at my plants like mid afternoon on one day and by the end of the next the trichomes that looked shiny had begun to look dull, and that is not looking with a scope, it was just that look at them close and see them glisten, and then that quick they don't glisten any more.

Then I started to look at them close and it was like they were compacting or getting smaller instead of larger and there was a slight cloudy look but not like just ripening-cloudy and it came on to sudden to be all or mainly that.

I thought a possible very late hermi because once I had one very late and it was like resin production stopped then and there. It was to late to get seeds and I only found a couple pods with matter in them that looked like a seed was beginning to form, but when that happened things did not reverse, it was just the end of progress. It seemed possible enough for a bit but I searched the plants and again and so on and looked them over very close at harvest and I found nothing male-ish .. and again the other plants growing at the same time did not do it, so I ruled that one out.

I pretty much ruled out it being something conditional because it happened during two different grows and in each there was another strain being grown, more in numbers than the G13 strains, and they showed no signs of the same thing either time. It was only in the G13 Labs gear. The two strains I grew, as far as I know, do not share genetics so I cannot see it being a shared trait, unless one was mislabeled or there was some packaging error or something and I ended up with two G13 Labs strains that did share common genetics and a shared trait.

It was not like they were fried like I went heavy on the ferts. They were well into flush and getting nothing but water and had showed no signs of any problems going into flush. The plants were not dried out any more than is normal for that phase of growth when a good number of larger leaves have dried up or are drying up. The main-stem, branches and small leaves were all as moist as seemed normal and the thinner branches were as supple as ever but they still stood up and did not droop at all. They seemed normal. I did not have any heat issue problems. I did not allow them to get over-dry. There was no breeze or wind current that would have blown on those plants alone drying them out or redirecting warmer air onto/through those plants alone and drying them out.

It was like something was sucking the resin out of just the G13 Labs plant’s trichome heads each time.

I even looked for critters wondering if that might be the case and if any were there they were so tiny I could not see them with my scope. But if there were mini-critters or some fungus or something I could not see that was attacking the trichome heads why did it only happen to the G13 Labs plants and not the others from different breeders that were crammed in with them? In one case there was only one G13 Labs plant and two the other times. The odds are pretty slim for 'something' to happen twice, not in back to back grows, and that 'something' both times first hit the G13 Labs plant or plants and not the other breeder's plants, and that whatever that 'something' was neither time did it spread to the other breeder's plants. But maybe I am wrong about the odds being as slim as I think.

I might be missing something obvious and maybe I did something wrong and there might be some conditional reason I have just not thought of yet ….. but until I know one of those to be the case I will remain somewhat dubious of G13 Labs genetics. I know one bean of one strain and two females from five regular beans of another strain is not a broad sampling to base a decision on about an entire breeder-line ...... but in this case it is just enough for me. Its that darn odds thing with me. Maybe I am wrong but I just can't get beyond it.

The way I look at it is there are a few really talented breeders out there with great stables of genetics to work with and there are a bunch of darn good breeders out there with pretty good stables of genetics to work with …. so why take risks on a breeder that might be questionable and or might have genetics that are questionable?

Why take any additional risk when there are breeders out there where if you grow their gear and you aren’t happy you can be pretty darn sure it was without question in some way your fault? If you can eliminate any degree of risk of any type in regards to anything that is a part of growing I am all for it.

When you can do that at the genetic level, well … just do it because that is the most important place to do it if you can.


thanks for the info!!! im new to this so i just picked a bredder and ran with it.im extremly glad someone can take some time out of there day and lead me in the right direction.if there is any breeder you can refer me to other than g13 that will be great..once and thank for the feedback!!!


i use sannie almost exclusively now. but i had good dealings with nirvana and AMS.
Yup sannies Rocks, He is a BREEDER.....NOT a seed producer and he has a fourm [opengrow] One can talk genetics with him, if one has a Problem its easy to contact him......THEY are stoners LOL I have had a slightly incorrect order....got f3s.....
anyway he sent me a whole new order, and freebees, and told me when i order again I will get another free order

How cool is that? On his fourm there are Many folks who grow his gear and post smoke reports and Journals of his gear in action.

I do like nirvavas speed, and reliability. There white widow is awsome----but i have only tried theirs.

I did get a lot of males and 1 hermi, the males are ''unlucky''-----May try their ice--- but with sannie i have a 50/50 on 4 orders.

I am going to try MnS soon but im very happy with sannies, MnS just has some different stuff i like to try and DP brainstorm is another
one of these days......


Well-Known Member
Reeferman Seeds

Most times someone who becomes the flavor of the month breeder and has people tripping over themselves to purchase their gear have lines without anything I would consider high enough quality for me to grow for my cat to smoke, that is if he still smoked and hadn't moved on to shooting up.
RFOL fuck man that is sum funny shit, i read that and actually imagine a cat wit a rig. lol