What kind of consequences am I looking at?


Active Member
Okay.. honestly.. I want to grow 4 plants for personal use under my 400 watt light. I dont do shit except stay at home and mostly hang out with my wife and kid. Never been in trouble. And I work to.

Lets say I get busted. Do you think there is hard time to face for 4 plants? I only plan to do this once.


Well-Known Member
it totally depends on where you live, check out your local laws, some places are much more strict than others. And number of plants makes a difference too.


Well-Known Member
Okay.. honestly.. I want to grow 4 plants for personal use under my 400 watt light. I dont do shit except stay at home and mostly hang out with my wife and kid. Never been in trouble. And I work to.

Lets say I get busted. Do you think there is hard time to face for 4 plants? I only plan to do this once.
I don't know the answer to your question and going through with your plan is obviously a risk. But the following should help keep you safe:
Don't tell anyone. ANYONE
make sure there are at least two solid locks between the outside and your grow area
seal all light leaks
make sure you have odor control in place
pay your electric bill (and the rest) on time
make sure there is never a reason for a cop (or anyone) to be near the grow room - includes security alarms, etc..
Don't tell anyone.
Don't tell anyone.
Don't tell anyone. (yes it is that important)


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
So, what if someone does come over and finds out...like your best friend or something...and they tell their wife, and the wife tells her friend...and so on and so on until it reaches a cop or something...can they get a warrant from just that really? What if I just start spreading rumors around about different random folks? Are they going to get raided too? I agree with the don't tell anyone 100%, I just would like more information on my rights and whatnot...and I was planning on doing some looking around when I ran upon this post...and those are the questions I want answered. If I do find definitive answers I will come back and post.


Well-Known Member
So, what if someone does come over and finds out...like your best friend or something...and they tell their wife, and the wife tells her friend...and so on and so on until it reaches a cop or something...can they get a warrant from just that really? What if I just start spreading rumors around about different random folks? Are they going to get raided too? I agree with the don't tell anyone 100%, I just would like more information on my rights and whatnot...and I was planning on doing some looking around when I ran upon this post...and those are the questions I want answered. If I do find definitive answers I will come back and post.
that is my point - do not let someone come over and find out - do everything in your power to prevent that from happening. once you are compromised - the danger of getting busted increases exponentially as you described (he tells two friends, and she tells two friends). Growing marijuana is not without its risks --- the best you can do is to minimize those risks.

Spreading false rumors will get the person accused watched - but also puts the accuser in some jeopardy of the law as well. False accusations are not legal and the cop is going to be interested in how that person found out you were growing - buying from you (again illegal), snooping, breaking in (all illegal). Not sure what your point is here - someone could spread rumors whether you're growing or not. But anyway about it - a non-police informant tip will most likely be investigated. A police-informant tip will probably cause a full-on search warrant and raid.

As far as "the law" is concerned - here is an excerpt from a synopsis of the Barry Cooper DVD - Never Get Busted - that you may find somewhat useful - while it is written for a traffic stop scenario - the reasonable suspicion/probable cause stuff holds true...

Reasonable suspicion is anything an officer observes that when put together causes the officer to be suspicious. Examples include, hand shaking when handing your driver's license, stories not matching between driver and passenger, a marijuana leaf key ring (or apparel), rolling papers, or anything that makes the officer think a crime is being committed. But an officer can have fifty reasonable suspicions and still can not search your vehicle without your consent. However one probable cause and the officer can search your vehicle without your consent. Keep all reasonable suspicion items at home or concealed.

Probable cause is when the officer detects that a crime is being committed in his presence. Examples include: smell of marijuana, a seed on the floor, a roach in the ashtray, drug paraphernalia, etc... Once the officer has probable cause, he can search your vehicle without consent.

I think someone spreading a rumor falls into the "reasonable suspicion" rather than the "probable cause".


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
That is where my knowledge is at the wall. I agree 100% about not telling anyone or letting anyone find out. There couldn't be anything dumber than that, I agree. I am just kinda picky about the knowledge I want to possess, and I would like the definitive answer to getting a warrant to search you on some kind of word-of-mouth tip. My guess is that they start surveillance and try to get evidence for a warrant. But that is my best guess...
When I start playing cards I like to know all the rules...I am just really curious about this.


Well-Known Member
That is where my knowledge is at the wall. I agree 100% about not telling anyone or letting anyone find out. There couldn't be anything dumber than that, I agree. I am just kinda picky about the knowledge I want to possess, and I would like the definitive answer to getting a warrant to search you on some kind of word-of-mouth tip. My guess is that they start surveillance and try to get evidence for a warrant. But that is my best guess...
When I start playing cards I like to know all the rules...I am just really curious about this.
i'd like to know the definitive answer as well. i think one of the problems is - while the law is probably very clear cut on how police should handle things - individual coppers/judges most likely interpret things differently and bend (or outright break) the rules trying to catch "evil dope fiends" like ourselves :mrgreen:


Vote 4 me 4 Prez in 2012
i'd like to know the definitive answer as well. i think one of the problems is - while the law is probably very clear cut on how police should handle things - individual coppers/judges most likely interpret things differently and bend (or outright break) the rules trying to catch "evil dope fiends" like ourselves :mrgreen:
I think you are correct. Here is a good link though Marijuana

I believe that other than depending on the judge and coppers, if they do act on an anonymous tip and find something it would most likely be tossed if that is all they had to go on. But it seems everything is circumstantial. The best bet is to never get on the radar. For me, other than the electrical consumption, I should be ok, as should most people. The best we can do is be super low key and hope for the best. I will continue to search though.


Well-Known Member
I think you are correct. Here is a good link though Marijuana

I believe that other than depending on the judge and coppers, if they do act on an anonymous tip and find something it would most likely be tossed if that is all they had to go on. But it seems everything is circumstantial. The best bet is to never get on the radar. For me, other than the electrical consumption, I should be ok, as should most people. The best we can do is be super low key and hope for the best. I will continue to search though.
sounds like a plan - please post what you find! :joint:


Well-Known Member
To answer your original question... for 4 plants, if you dont have any other criminal record, and you appear to be a good guy. I would say you might just get put on probation or something like that. If you did go to jail, I wouldnt think it would be for longer then a month max.


Another thing to look at is that Federal law still prohibits all use, selling, and cultivation of marijuana... even if your state allows medical marijuana use and has very leanient laws enforcing marijuana... if your prosecutor felt like it they could go straight to federal law and throw you in a "federal pound me in the ass prison".. regardless of your state law!! sucks donkey balls huh? its the risk we all take!