What kinda deficiency is this???


Well-Known Member
Dude. You are over thinking this. Do you have a tds meter? If not get one cause it's a must with hydro.

The one tsp of micro and 2 tsp of bloom are not enuff for the size of those plants. Slowly add more and the plant will respond, just take it easy.
I have a TDS meter.

I had my reservoir solution at 1200 and their growth was stunt. I droped it to 800 after a week and they started to grow again ... but after few days this spots started to appear.

I think the ppm is to low for sativas .... but when I backed off they got better...thats why is so confusing.

I'm gonna stay with this solution for a couple of days and see whats gonna happen.
If there is a defficiency than it will get worse a lot faster so I'll prob see it tomorrow.



Active Member
1200?!?! You must be running more than 1tsp of micro and 2 tsp of bloom per gallon. Good thing you have the tds meter tho. Will help alot.

It's not as confusing as you may think. You simply dropped the ppm's too much is all. Thats good tho cause now you can slowly start increasing the ppm's to get them where they like it without burning them. I feel ya, I struggled to find the right amount too, always seemed too much or not enuff but eventually you find the middle. Try only raising the ppm's 50-100 at a time, let it run for a day or two, check your plants again and adjust if necessary.

Another thing that could help is starting a journal. Invite a few people to follow along and to help if needed.

You made it this far man so dont be too discouraged. It sounds like the plants want the ppm's around 900-1000 or so. Take your time and allow the plants time to recognize the changes you made before you make more changes.


Well-Known Member
i appreciate your thoughts. i have started a journal (100.000 lumens only cfl). i grew this strain before. take a look at ''a sativa under cfl'' . VERY good plant, but sensitive