What Ph meter is everyone using, and what do you think of it?

I have the bluelab ph pen and truncheon. Also if you have the extra cash to spend I recommend investing in the bluelab PH controllers. So far they have been a godsend for me, I never have to worry about PH swings because it always locks itself back to 5.8 fairly quick after draining.
So by storage solution, do you mean a 7.0 cal solution?
No, they use a salt solution(KCL) for storage that is set in Molar concentrations. Check your mfgr.
The correct solution allows your meter to work faster and more accurately, extends the electrode life.

Bluelab uses 4.0 KCL
Apera uses 3.0 KCL
Oakton uses 1.0 KCL

If you dont have storage solution , use 4.0 calibration solution. Low PH is good.
If you don't have that, use tap water...never distilled for PH meter storage.
EC meter uses distilled water for storage, different type of electrode.
Never heard of that. I just use it, rinse it off well with cold water, shake the water off, put it in my glass.
Thats why you are constantly calibrating it. The probe needs to be kept in a storage solution when not in use. You should never allow the glass bulb to dry out.
Blue Lab hand held multimeter is the best to use. 5 year warranty, wuper durable and it can be used all over the place. Over had mine for a little over 8 years. I also use the leap probe because it is multi-functional and also much more sturdy
I use bluelab pH pen+EC pen, by faaaar best Ive used!my first grow I used cheap ones from Amazon an I ended up with no end of problems all way through the grow..lost count how many times flushed them,bought the bluelab meters for my current auto grow..not had any problems with my plants since using them an also they have grown so much quicker!