what r these critters?


Well-Known Member
To be more precise they appear to be spider mites. Bad little buggers. They suck the life out of your plant and create nasty holes, and make filthy webs. Hard to get rid of too. Sorry man. Good luck!


Well-Known Member
Spidermites..you need neem oil, or you can make a spray..soak 2 cigarettes overnight in 1/2 cup water..boil for 3 min. (kills a strain of tabac fungus) add a couple of drops of dish soap & spray undersides of leaves... BE VERY CAREFUL..this shit is a poison..so no pets, no touching liquid...etc.. also remove the top 1 or 2" of soil and replace.. good luck..they suck big time..


Well-Known Member
I've had excellent results w/pyrethrum-based spray. Soak plant, let dry. Repeat 2-3 weeks later for egg disposal. Used up to day of harvest on veggies. Non-toxic to pets once dry. My brand is called "Eight". You can rinse this stuff off if that bugs you, after infestation is resolved. Make sure the mites have reached your buds before soaking them w/this.
In my experiences, mites invade from the bottom/middle upwards. Concentrate your efforts there?


Active Member
anyone tell me what these are it seems my jack hera clones are infested with them an we are into the first 2 weeks of flowering. what can i do?
got me some Buzz Off to spray on the buggers. should i get some fighter mites too to make sure? i gotta cos it sounds well cool.
fanx peeps. i'll let u know once i rid myself of these pestelent beasties.


Active Member
Spidermites..you need neem oil, or you can make a spray..soak 2 cigarettes overnight in 1/2 cup water..boil for 3 min. (kills a strain of tabac fungus) add a couple of drops of dish soap & spray undersides of leaves... BE VERY CAREFUL..this shit is a poison..so no pets, no touching liquid...etc.. also remove the top 1 or 2" of soil and replace.. good luck..they suck big time..
fanx twisty gonna try that recipe. i'll let u know xxonelovexx


Active Member
im trying that one right now, applying it tomorrow, but does anyone know if its safe to use on flowering plants, im trying to kill gnats.


Well-Known Member
I would type it out for you guys but Mr fishy already did it....go read his post and follow it....pyrethrin=....easy....effective....inexpensive....safe....shall I go on?:mrgreen:


Active Member
I would type it out for you guys but Mr fishy already did it....go read his post and follow it....pyrethrin=....easy....effective....inexpensive....safe....shall I go on?:mrgreen:
pyrethrin is all of the above cheers guys. my girls are doin fine now. cant get rid altogether though so its just a matter of keeping the numbers down i suppose? thankooooos xxx :)