what should i charge to be a grow consultant


Well-Known Member
15-20 % of first harvest and nothing after that
tell them about this site and be done with them
but it is strongly surgested that you reconsider 2 is two many unless there married but if you must help, help from a distance let them know about riu.org this site is way better than any book or video and theres other just like this one if you dont ever want them to come across this site
look this is not rockit science its growing weed perpetually show them how to post and ask questions
do it for free
just drop in every blue moon point some shit out and be done with it
dont be all hands on helping build things and shit
all in there like its your op let them do every little thing

becouse people will try to get you to do every thing, then ack like you did nothing, till they get cought then they give you ALL the credit.

help but dont help
That sounds good to me. My investor always says, "no good deed goes unpunished!"


Well-Known Member
I charge 25% of the dry yield. But it isnt steady work, most people I know really know their shit. But I do alot of work for it too like get em well started and transplant and tell them what to do on everything after. The person im helping this year bought the seeds and after its all said and done I snag a clonie out of the deal increase my prospects.


the way i see it you actually dont need help at all, but i would have posted too to maybe get some lil things to make your idea better, but your concept is the way YOU want it and I agree it sounds good and your not ripping anyone off. Lets just hope they can take your info andalso gain a green thumb, GOOD LUCK TO YOU:hump:
OK.... first off,pinner420 I think I want you to come and negotiate for me in my fulltime business. you are a shark bro i love it. ive been thinking long and hard about this and have taken into consideration things ive read here and talked over with other friends of mine. Now I am a super busy person I own my own bussiness that is already a full time job in itself. im not going into specifics but i grow a little herb also which takes up alot of time as well. the last thing i need to do right now is add another commitment to the table and have it be a bunch of bullshit and hassle. the only reason I am into doing this right now is I will be helping out people close to me and making sure people eat. However time and experience is money. like stated above i will be handing over a viable source of income when everything is said and done. so this is what ive come up with. we are going to be setting up a 9000w perpetual with 4 4x8 tables that have 2000w over each one and 1 4x8 table for veg with 1000w over it. im going to set rotation to pull 2 tables a month. im going to be taking 1/3rd of that for as long as im involved. now in order for me to be involved i have complete control of and will do everything(except the hard labor of course). the minute that anyone tries to overstep their position i walk and they can figure out how to get the finish product and replenish their trays without dropping $600 on clones every 4 weeks. I know some of you are thinking "well now that you got them up and running they dont need you" thats the catch, these arent the types to try and teach themselves or read up. they have been siting on enough equipment to turn 10lbs a month easy for over 7 months and have made no attempt to do shit with it. they have no knowledge of growing herb or anyway to get 2-3lbs off every 4 weeks. what I also come with is an intro to some clubs when I feel I am ready to go which will be in 6 months top. that is the final condition im done in 6 months no matter what so PAY ATTENTION because when im done im done. look I know i can probably get more and even milk it for a lot longer but the way I see it is.
1. I help someone become self sufficient
2. its all return at no financial investment.
3. its alot more space than im used to so i will have some room to play around with some strains and genetics.
4.the return from this will help me get a jump start on another project im interested in.

so let me know what you guys think. until then here are some gratuitious pics ......
