What should i do with my bag of sugar leaves....


Active Member
ive been growin for a year or so now and i got a lot of sugar leaves saved up. Some have been sitting in a jar in the freezer for like 6 months, then i have some in a bag in my fridge cause i heard it wasnt the best method to store it in the freezer that long. I have a set of bubble bags but they were cheap and i dont have the smallest micron bag so i dont really wanna use them. Most of this sugar leaf is from super good weed a hate to waste it.

havin surgery in 2 weeks or so and i was wondering how i can extract the thc and make it keep.im gonna be home for too long. i hate making a big batch of edibles and then they get kinda old and stale after a couple days. i was thinking like maybe THC pills or candy, or hash i guess, just something that i can keep for a few weeks and sit on and take here and there. any suggestions?

Andre Linoge

New Member
I think I would still consider using the bubble bags. Maybe it would not work well but I would think you could use the bags you have and then after cleaning the finest micron bag you have use it again with an industrial sized coffee filter, like used in large cafeteria coffee makers. Put one in the bottom of the finest micron bag and slowly pour through it. It will not let the liquid flow through at a fast rate so it might take a while but it will catch every bit as much as the finest micron bag would giving you what you would otherwise miss. Maybe it would catch too much but I think it could be worth a try. Regardless of the outcome I think you would be better off that using a different method to make hash.


Well-Known Member
Bubble Bags, although I've heard are pretty good, will cost you $240 USD for the 8 bag 5 gallon kit. $140 for the 8 bag 1 gallon kit.

I am going to do some Gumby Hash (water and ice). There are some excellent tuts on youtube. You can also cook with those....if you wanted to make your THC pills, take an extremely small amount of any hash, add some oil to dissolve, heat it up, and add to your pills. I've never tried this, but I would assume it would knock u out lol.


Well-Known Member
You can find cheaper versions of the bubble bag online.
Make some hash and some edibles or budder, or a bit of each.


Active Member
i have the set of bubble bags, but my cheap 20 micron bag took literally hours to drain, and then the liner fell apart all in my hash ruining my hours of work. I need to buy the 25 micron bag legit from the bubble bag brand people, but i cant really afford that right now. and i live away from home, but my surgery is going to leave me at home with my parents who arent really down with weed. havent told them i got my medical card, theyd not be happy. so i need something DISCREET, but effective and that will keep over 2-3 weeks or so. How long does tincture take to make?