What should I do with my resin?


Well-Known Member
Smear that shit under your eyes before your next football game, it will help reduce glare from the sun, and it smells cool.


i'd save then smoke it, when i was hard up always got me stoned sometimes better than weed , if you need to clean glass put it in a coffee cup of cold water it has to be cold then place in the microwave for 4 mins. all the nasty will come out , if its not clean enough start again, the cup will be shot so designate it as your cleaning cup. good luck


Active Member
huh must be some magic pixie dust in there or something,lol I'm not going to argue with you anymore, It gets me high, It gets all my friends high, and I dont really care how it does it as long as it gets me by tell I get some green.:)
amen brother if i'm out of green or just looking to get really super stoned i use resin


Well-Known Member
Save it for a rainy day when you have no herb, cant find anything, and need to toke something before you pull out all your hair. If you never experience days like that, toss it. Tastes bad, smells worse, and only lasts a little while


Well-Known Member
I apologize to anyone who thinks this is a noob question, or that I'm a broke weed whore. I always have had more than enough, and never needed to even try resin. People have sworn by it in baking though, so I asked. Once again, my apologies.


Well-Known Member
I like getting the pipe real dirty and just rippin the pipe hard till the inside of the pipe cherries....can keep it lit and rip it for like 30min. when it's real good and filth!!!...then give her a good cleaning with the alcohol.


Well-Known Member
the only time i scrape "resin" is outa my hash oil peices cause theires lots of unused cannibinoids outa their


Well-Known Member
it depends, sometimes resin has gotten me superhigh, other times a 15 minute meh, other times just ok high and others just a headache and a sore throat.

resin is usually better from hash yeah.

smokey green

Active Member
If im really hard up and out of smoke Ill scrape my bowl. Who ever says it doesnt get you high has probably never tried it because it gets me stoned every time. And I mean stoned, not buzzed or high....stoned....


Well-Known Member
i always have buds and i wish u all lived by me cause id take your resin not only does it get me ripped i like, YES I LIKE THE TASTE lmfao i scrape all my bowls, bongs, whatever and keep the resin in a small tin box ..i also fill film canisters with balls of resin and mix in an equal amount of hash in small balls and just scoop and smoke.......you can say it doesnt get u high but i know better


Well-Known Member
shape it into a bullet & use it as a suppository. you'll get baked & regular all at the same time.


Active Member
I smoked it several times in the past when I didn't have herb. It got me pretty high but the highs didn't last long. And your throat gets shredded if you smoke it too much. Even out of a bong.