What strain are they??


Well-Known Member
These plants have been going crazy. They are a 6 weeks and 10". The smaller ones are 3 weeks and 7". they are from different seeds. Any idea as to what strain they are? Im thinking sativa but not sure.



Well-Known Member
They are a hybrid of East Timor Kush and Misty.

But seriously, there is no way to tell strain from your picks. general guideline is indica dominant strain tends to be shorter with broad leaves, while sativa tends to be taller with narrower, "finger-like" leaves. Most commercial strains today are indica dominant, as pure sativa is a difficult grow and requires a lot of room due to height. Sativas in the wild can grow over 12' tall.

Lord Dangly Bits

Well-Known Member
I do not think he was really meaning to ask for the strain, as in Northern Lights, or papaya. But wants to know if they are Indica or Sativa. I am thinking Indica Dominant also.