What system of hydro is the best?


Rebel From The North
Im wondering what you all feel is the most best system on the market,
guess what im realy asking is whats newbie friendly?


Well-Known Member
it goes back and forth around here. I'm doing my first ever grow and I did a homemade ebb/flow system. I'm very impressed with the results so far(4th week of flowering) I use a 8 gallon flood tray that did have 6, 1 gallon pots filled with hydroton, 1" rock wool, and a 14 gallon res. 3 out of 6 were females. After this grow I plan on upgraded big time. I'm still a newbie and this system is very easy to operate. My ladies are roughly 3ft tall.

So I suggest ebb/flow.


Well-Known Member
dwc is the easyest for the beginner or pro

deep water culture

google it slap it together let it marinade 2 months smoke rinse repeat