What the feds do is unforgivable...how come their actions go unnoticed!?

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
I'm no fan of the police for obvious reasons but they aren't trained to be bullies..... they are trained to DEAL with bullies. :lol:
Maybe, but they seem to treat almost everyone the same. Wether they are a 20 something gangbanger (bully as you say) or a 65 year old housewife. They're lookin for an excuse to taze or spray ya and step on your kneck.:leaf: In my experience the police dept. attracts a lot of bullies.


New Member
If we just want to talk anecdotally , I can tell you I have been caught red handed on several occasions in my life.
Once with an OZ in an elementary school parking lot on a Saturday. No arrest. No hassle.
Once, having a cop literally jump out of the bushes on me as I was coming out of a cul de sac (ppl had been complaining the cul de sac was being inundated because of a misplaced sign. I made the incorrect turn and he was waiting for me. I literally exhaled a big ol hit as I pulled to a stop. No arrest, no hassle.

There are cool cops out there. Sometimes you have to be cool first and give them a chance to reciprocate. Not all do, and there are abuses, no doubt.

The Warlord

Well-Known Member
i've met a few decent cops. In my experience the sheriffs deputies are sometimes decent guys. All the city cops I've met are dicks though. never been caught with drugs but in my state they wouldn't let ya get away with that stuff here. i'm in one of those "Pot is the DEVILS weed" states. Treat pot smokers like they are homicidal killers. most of my run ins with the police have pretty much been where I was standing there talking to them and someone screams "he's resisting" then pepper sprays me and then I've got two cops trying to throw me on the ground while I say in a loud clear voice " I am not resisting. I will now put my hands behind my back" as they are trying to unsuccesfully wrestle me to the ground. Then they high five each other and charge me with resisting arrest. i think it's because i'm big and look mean i guess. i try to treat the officer with the level of respect they show me but unfortunately it's not usually very high. i did talk a seargent/supervisor into letting me go once after an officer woke me up sleeping at a red light though back in my heavy drinking days. That was really wierd.