What this kill a plant?


Well-Known Member
i was told once before that if i smoke a cig and then go and fuck with my plant that the nicotine can kill the plant or the THC is this true?


Well-Known Member
It can cause some probs with young seedlings or new sprouts, like say ur smokin then decide to handle some seeds with bare hands.... they may not sprout. On a larger more developed plant, i don't think it would have as big of an effect just from touching it, although the chems from the smoke are definately no good for the plant. Stay away from actually smoking in the grow room, the smoke can stick to the leaves and plug em up, making it harder to photosynthesise and breath.


Well-Known Member
I no i smoke outside im just saying if i smoke a cig outside and then come inside and have to handle my plants.


Well-Known Member
smoking tobacco bad but I heard that smoking weed in the grow room helps plants tho it's mainly just a theory at the moment


Well-Known Member
Ok cus i dont mess with my plants that much i just needed to know that because like when i do move them from one pot to another.


Just wash your hands before you touch your plants...this will have the added bonus of killing any bacteria, pollen or other unwanted bugs and spores you might be carrying...


Well-Known Member
Just wash your hands before you touch your plants...this will have the added bonus of killing any bacteria, pollen or other unwanted bugs and spores you might be carrying...
I always wash my hands before doing anything with my plants, even if it is just turning their lights on lol i dont wanna hurt them in anyway :hump:.


Well-Known Member
Ok cus i dont mess with my plants that much i just needed to know that because like when i do move them from one pot to another.
Less can be more when it comes to growing. ur on the right track, i.e.- not messin with em too much. :hump:

Just wash your hands before you touch your plants...this will have the added bonus of killing any bacteria, pollen or other unwanted bugs and spores you might be carrying...
I always wash my hands before doing anything with my plants, even if it is just turning their lights on lol i dont wanna hurt them in anyway :hump:.

No worries. Keepin clean is a somewhat overlooked step in the growing process. I'm a smoker myself, although i'm about to quit($6 buks a pack? WTF?) Clean hands, and just as important if not more, a clean growing area are NEVER a bad thing.:hump:


Well-Known Member
Yea i was like wtf when they boosted the cig taxes again thats bullshit they cant get enough money so they always take it out on the people who smoke and drink thats fucked up.


Well-Known Member
The thing is, what if by some miracle, everyone who smoked cigs quit? Weather they quit cuz they wanted to, or simply because they can't afford it. I mean, u know the government just wants the money, but if no one were buyin smokes, then what? They play it off like 'ya, smoking's bad for u, gonna kill u eventually', etc... like they really want EVERYONE to quit, but in reality, I bet if everyone DID quit then the government would've just fucked themselves... then again they'd just tax something else instead:cuss:. .... I honestly think that if they 'legalized it' then they could make tons of dough from all the stoners. Just have it federally regulated, so the gov's growin it and sellin it, like ciggarettes but with no tobacco company ya know? County jails might not be so grosely overpopulated from cheesey ass busts just cuz they pulled a guy over for speeding and they found a joint.