What to do, what to do...


Active Member

I'm looking to start a growing system involving a small box (2'x2'x3'), cfls, and auto flowering dwarfs. As much as I would love to do a hydro system, I am going to keep it simple (and cheap) and stick to soil. Eventually, I would like it to become a perpetual harvest type of operation, so I am aiming for 9 plants, harvesting one per week, with a goal of 7+ grams per plant. Also, I'm one of those poor people who have a relatively strict budget of about $300.

Any sort of advice/comments are much appreciated, but I am namely looking for suggestions on lighting. I was going to aim for about 300watts and couldn't really decide what was going to be the best way of accomplishing that.

Also, I'm leaning toward Dr Chronic for ordering some lowlife seeds, probably the auto ak47. Good choice? Bad choice? Best choice?

one love