What to do when pets EATS YOUR STASH!!!!


Well-Known Member
HI i'm a Vet tech (aka PET NURSE) for going on 7 yrs now and do to a question that i was just asked on a thread of mine i thought i would inform you on what to do if your pet EATS weed!!!! Quality and quantity do not really matter to your pets health! the only thing i would worry about is the animal getting confused by the feeling and being aggressive from fear. If you take them to the VET you will spend over 100$ to have your pet sit in a cage and get IV fluids that's it, so at home put them in a room (if they act out) with lots of food and water and let them wait it out. there just high and not gunna die from weed i don't care how killer your bud is, and i'm sure you smoked and or smoke with your pet in the room anyway blowing bong hits in there face is the same shit. so don't stress it and remember pets like to get high too.:weed:


Well-Known Member
i get my cats fucked up on catnip all the time

if my cat was high on anything else i would do the same thing as you described above out of fear of getting animal cruelty charges pressed against me

Man o' the green

Active Member
I was over at a friend's house last year, and he was making cannabutter with some leftover stems and such. We then dumped the remains from the cooking ( minus most of the butter ) into the back yard to clean up later.
I'm sure that dog smelled the butter as soon as we let it outside, and went straight for it. We were so high that we weren't paying attention. The dog came back in looking a little confused, then puked the green stuff all over the floor. The first thought was that the dog had eaten something poisonous, but the answer was obvious.
Just to be sure, we looked up anything we could find on pet poisoning or intoxication, and nothing showed that even a large dose would be dangerous. Going to the vet would have been worse than pointless.
Very soon we noticed the dog swaying back and forth on it's feet, and had a very glassy look in it's eyes. That dog sat in the corner for hours just looking stoned. Not happy or sad, just dazed.
The cannabutter never worked well for us, but we must have extracted something to get the dog that high.
About 6 hours later the dog was normal and eating everything it could.
Most harmless drug ever.


Well-Known Member
i get my cats fucked up on catnip all the time

if my cat was high on anything else i would do the same thing as you described above out of fear of getting animal cruelty charges pressed against me
No worries about animal cruelty they have no reasone to charge you we see alot worse just be honest if you go let them know how much and how good it was if you do go. no cops will be called trust me!


Well-Known Member
well i have a hard time trusting people on the internet, no offence to your good info

but ive had my cat lick up a line of percocet and i dont think the vet would believe he did it on his own. i would have PETA up my ass in an ill minute; trust me


Well-Known Member
A friend and I used to feed his dog the roaches from blunts and joints and he would eat them like dog treats. One time we gave him like 10 and the dog sat on a couch and didn't move for 24 hours


Well-Known Member
well i have a hard time trusting people on the internet, no offence to your good info

but ive had my cat lick up a line of percocet and i dont think the vet would believe he did it on his own. i would have PETA up my ass in an ill minute; trust me
Well the point of the thread is not to bring your pet in so yeah?


Well-Known Member
i know.... i know.... my my cat is my best bud and i feel bad removing him from my room so i let him roam wherever he plaeses

some times he finds things he shouldn't...


Well-Known Member
i know.... i know.... my my cat is my best bud and i feel bad removing him from my room so i let him roam wherever he plaeses

some times he finds things he shouldn't...
i would never smoke or eat anything i wouldn't give my pets to smoke or eat whats good for me is good for them and i have over 30 animals!:hump: lmao


Active Member
this is the dog in my DP that started this thread lol. Well done sickstoner im sure this is goin to be a usefull thread, although it wont bring back the other half of my plant LOL. Chopper (my dog) is jus layin here on his back with his paws in the air lol looks like he enjoyed it rele


Well-Known Member
my mom has a cat you cannot leave weed around unattended. the little fucker will steal the bag, take it somewhere, and chew the buds to peices. he dioesnt eat it, per se, just chews it all up and spits out the leftovers on the floor.

i hate that cat, you have no idea how many times in the past i wanted to take it for a 'ride'
and i love animals.


Well-Known Member
my mom has a cat you cannot leave weed around unattended. the little fucker will steal the bag, take it somewhere, and chew the buds to peices. he dioesnt eat it, per se, just chews it all up and spits out the leftovers on the floor.

i hate that cat, you have no idea how many times in the past i wanted to take it for a 'ride'
and i love animals.
Oh don't get me wrong animals are my life but eatinng bud will make sickstoner choke a bitch.:hump:


Active Member
so animals other than humans dont need to get THC temperatures up high before it works? if u eat weed. nothing happens
nor did my cat get high when he ae both my plants OR a bag on the window sill... so r u saying... they ate brownies? bc those are cooked and therefore are potent



Well-Known Member
Our black lab/pit mix (60 lbs.) (my avatar) ate a medical cookie off of our coffee table a few wweks ago. My GF ate the same cookie and she was so high that she puked. These are strong cookies! The dog didn't move for three days. She's fine now. We were worried, but she's a lab so she was never never the smartest dog on the block to begin with....just the sweetest dog :)