What to do?


Well-Known Member
Ok here is for everyone that is paranoid as hell. All they think about is "What am I gonna do when that day comes?" This is for those who do not know what to do.

Well, I am going to tell you, I majored in Law and Justice and if it wasn't for me finding a better job, I would be working for the man. And I probably would of ended up getting arrested. So anyways.

Scenaro 1

You are in your car with some friends, you are toking up and all of a sudden you get blue lighted. WHAT DO YOU DO!!!! Firstly, you keep your high ass calm. No sudden movements, don't throw anything out the windows.

Your main concern is smell, so don't pull over immediately, you need to roll your windows down, ALL OF THEM! Then count to 15, no mississippi counting, the law is if a cop can count to thirty and you have not pulled over unless you are blocked in traffic then they consider it evading the law.
After you count 15, pull over, leave your windows down, by now any evidence of you smoking pot should be put away, remember most cops will not ask you to step out of the car unless they have a reason to think otherwise. This means don't leave anything criminating in sight. When he shines the light in your eyes, which they will if its dark, then squint your eyes. Make it hard for them. Now, if you are unlucky and you get a cop that is a dick, here is what you do.

You do exactly as he says, no resistance, no lip, no nothing. Now, cops are trained to scare civilians into letting them get thier way. But never forget, you have rights that cannot be violated. No matter how hard they pry you do not let them have thier way.

Ex. COUNTYMOUNTY: Sir, may I search your vehicle?
YOU: No sir, and you doing so without a warrant will violate my constitutional rights.
Now this only comes into play if they are trying to search your car without probable cause. In other words, they don't see something incriminating on you or in you car, then its illegal.

Ex. Cop searches you and finds something.
COUNTYMOUNTY: What do we have here? A bag of marijuana eh? You know you could do time for this.
YOU: I refuse to say anything without my lawyer present.
Trust me, its a lot easier to get yourself in trouble without a lawyer telling you what to say.

Ex. Cop is just holding you outside your car not doing anything but prying at you to let him search your vehicle or something. Without interrupting, no sassy tone, no anger or anything, in a clear voice you say this.

"Officer, you haven't arrested me nor have you claimed me detained, so with you permission I would like to be on my way, I am in a hurry."

Always remember, cops have camrecorders in their vehicles that are constantly running. You say it clear and you wont have to worry about anything.

Scenario 2

Cops show up at your house. Same principle, you keep your ass calm and you don't run, for gods sake don't run.

Ex w/ no warrant
COUNTYMOUNTY: Sir, we would like to search your house?
YOU: If you have a warrant may I see it please?
COUNTYMOUNTY: We do not have a warrant sir. (most of the time they wont say this, they will try to throw you off, you just repeat the above question until you get a definite answer)
YOU: You may return with a warrant, and you can search my property.

ALERT!!!!! It is now leagal in most states of America for police to search your trash with a warrant as long as its roadside.

Ex w/ warrant
COUNTYMOUNTY:(most of the time they will show the warrant and then ask, if not then ask to see one)
YOU: Please come in, officer.
They find something and start to question you.
YOU: I refuse to say anything without a lawyer present.

You let them detain you and take you off with no resistance, as long as you stick to not saying anything without a lawyer present then 55% of the time the person gets off without a scratch. I have aseen it and done it over a thousand times.

Comments welcome



Well-Known Member
Great post indeed, I heard they can enter without a warant if they think the crime is in progress , or iff someone is hiding from them, than if they enter and find nothing but my grow, will I still get charged with it?


Well-Known Member
These threads are to easy to make and say thats all you have to do. But in reality any dickhead cop will lie and say that they had probable cause to search and a judge will believe a cop over you, this is why they shoot and kill people without just cause all the time and get away with it.

And if they smell it it is probable cause.

And if they enter for any reason and find your grow put your hands behind your back and wait to be cuffed.


Well-Known Member
man this is one of the best post ive seen in a while.this is going to help alot if they ever have a run in with the law enforcement. nice post:hump:


Well-Known Member
These threads are to easy to make and say thats all you have to do. But in reality any dickhead cop will lie and say that they had probable cause to search and a judge will believe a cop over you, this is why they shoot and kill people without just cause all the time and get away with it.

And if they smell it it is probable cause.

And if they enter for any reason and find your grow put your hands behind your back and wait to be cuffed.
You are right no grow, if they smell it is probable cause, if they are a dick they can do bullshit, but every cop car has a recording video tape in it. And also they can arrest you if they come in your house for a different reason, and find your gorw.

But when it happened to my buddy rick all he did was kept his mouth shut, and waited for his lawyer, and all charges were dropped because they didnt have a search warrant that was issued for that reason.

BTW, if that is your perception on the US judicial system then you are sadly mistaken. No doubt, there are places out there to where a cop could beat someone to death and get away, but its not like that everywhere. I have seen many a cops arrested just for arresting someone under a false warrant. What do you think will happen if they shoot someone. I hate to bust your bubble on ruining a thread with bad criticism but cops do not get away with murder, if you only knew what a cop has to go through just to be able to draw a gun on ANY civilian, maybe you would change your attitude.


Well-Known Member
You are right no grow, if they smell it is probable cause, if they are a dick they can do bullshit, but every cop car has a recording video tape in it. And also they can arrest you if they come in your house for a different reason, and find your gorw.

But when it happened to my buddy rick all he did was kept his mouth shut, and waited for his lawyer, and all charges were dropped because they didnt have a search warrant that was issued for that reason.

BTW, if that is your perception on the US judicial system then you are sadly mistaken. No doubt, there are places out there to where a cop could beat someone to death and get away, but its not like that everywhere. I have seen many a cops arrested just for arresting someone under a false warrant. What do you think will happen if they shoot someone. I hate to bust your bubble on ruining a thread with bad criticism but cops do not get away with murder, if you only knew what a cop has to go through just to be able to draw a gun on ANY civilian, maybe you would change your attitude.

I wasnt trying to ruin your thread but people need to know this isnt always going to work. So what if they are video taping everything di tapes have the ability to smell or see inside of the car the cop has pulled over..NO..So all a cop has to do is say they smelled or seen something and the tape wont prove or deny it.

And I do know what a cop has to go through to draw his gun. They have been drawn on me a few times when I was pulled over waiting for the cop to come to my window. The other time I was walking down the street at like 3 in the morning and he pulled up hit the lights and drew his gun on me and told me to get down on the ground.

Oh by the way my step brother is a cop so trust me I know.

Sorry if you think I ruined your thread but people need to be informed all the way around.


Well-Known Member
I got pulled last weekend after just lighting a J. Rolled the windows down and drove for about half a mile and he said he could smell it, searched and found the J. Plus a couple of bowls and a grinder. Damnit.

I think he just said that it smelled when he saw who was riding with me. The same cop has found the guy who was with me with bud before. Motherfucker.


Well-Known Member
Sorry, reefer, I didnt mean to shoot off at you, I was having a rough day, you are right, shit happen sometimes, but half to 3/4 of the time this will work.


Well-Known Member
reffer thats actually a great idea to cover up the smell of bud with a cig then the cops wont know if you were smoking bud hahaha.


Well-Known Member
Hey what the hell......LOL...You shot off at me not reefermadness...Cough cough I think som1 owes me an apology.


Well-Known Member
ahh shit, my bad, i was blazed dude, i am so sorry. ok ill try again, i didnt mean to shoot off at you, i was having a bad day, sorry nogrow, i didnt mean to apologize to the wrong person i was blazed, sorry nogrow.

so i'm an idiot...what am i gonna do.


Active Member
actually sorry to tell you guys but now due to the patriot act a cop can search your car w/o a warrant and arrest you if they find anything and even if they dont im still not sure on this but even saying no you cant because you dont have a warrant is reason for arrest but i didnt look to hard on the subject but look it up for your selfs and prove me wrong