If you are going to use and enjoy psychedelics here are a couple things to consider.

Set/mindset: its best to go into any experience with a positive mindset. I don’t suggest tripping if you’ve been having a shitty week and life is beating you down so your feeling low. Psychedelics aren’t going to automatically be fun and make you feel better. They will usually magnify however you are already feeling and thinking. So starting off with a positive mindset will prime your brain and body to have a good experience.
Setting: This is equally as important. Especially when you are first learning about these drugs it’s important to have a safe comfortable setting. I agree with
@xtsho mushrooms especially in my experience are not a fun go to the club drug. They are better enjoyed at home with some music, Art, maybe movies. I try to have some activities available and some healthy snacks like fruits and cold water. Taking walks in nature can be great, just be safe and smart. Getting hurt in the woods on drugs would not be fun….. As a general rule I encourage new trippers to avoid other people. Interacting with others can be a strange experience. Once you understand the feelings you get from the drugs you’ll know how well you can handle outside influences.
Intention: this ties in with mindset, it’s valuable to go into any trip mentally prepared. Having an intention in mind when going into a trip can help you have a focus and enjoy the experience. Sometimes you may be using the experience to try to heal or open your mind to a new path in life. Some times you may be connecting with a partner intimately. Some times you might just wanna have some laughs and enjoy some movies and fun. Whatever the case having an intention in mind offers you a centering point if you start to get lost on your trip.
Dosage: This is last but not least. I’ve eaten more varieties of mushrooms then I can count. I havnt really found significantly different trips based on the type of mushroom, but I also havnt eaten large doses of all of them. However different types definitely have varying amounts of psilocybin in them which will make your experience change depending on the actual dosage taken.
Like others have said with a cubensis type mushroom starting off with 1.5-2g dried is a solid starting point. You won’t likely “trip” hard at that dosage but you should get a solid feel for the effects at that level.
I find that 3.5-4g dried provides a pretty fun and effective trip experience. It will likely have a few intense moments but they will pass with that wave or effects.
Dosages above that…. Well you never know till you try it… I’ve eaten 7+g twice and it changed my life to say the least. These days I grow mushrooms but rarely eat more then 2g. I actually really enjoy regularly micro dosing with only .2g it brightens the day and mellows out the aches of age.