What To Feed Clones

smokey de bear

Active Member
Just water them the soil should hold all the food it will need for a while, unless your using hydro which in that case I'm sure a very light mix of the nutrients is all it needs. I'm a soil user so not to sure about the hydro.


No Roots - just ph'd water... the idea is for the clones to sprout roots and those roots to look for the nutes

Roots - I use fox farm products, for the first 2 weeks all you are suppose to give them is Big Bloom "This odorless, liquid fertilizer is a live culture of vitamins, amino acids, natural growth hormones, enzymes, and beneficial organic microbes. Our special, micro-brewed formula incorporates earthworm castings, bat guano and other high test organic ingredients that offer a full, balanced range of nutrients. Norwegian kelp improves nutrient uptake and increases yields. Rock phosphate helps transfer energy from one part of the plant to another, which means bigger buds and more fragrant flowers." (quoted from Fox Farm)

The NPK for Big Bloom is (0.01-0.3-0.7)... after those 2 weeks its time to step it up and add some UMPH! :hump: