what was yours?


Active Member
wadddup RIU just asking what was the yeild you guys all got from your first plant harvest not the whole grow just that very first one you harvested


Well-Known Member
Almost 11g dry, best day of my life.. I was only 14 and my grandma helped me from seed to harvest.



Active Member
i hope i get half of that bout 4 weeks into flowering and i have maybe a eigth just eyeballin


Active Member
Hey whats up , my first ever grow was a bag seed.It was really sick all of flowering.Overfert ,rootbound, Poor soil,no perlite ,poor nutrient .The leaves were all dead by the end but i got an ounce and a half of it.It grew really tall aswell i had to tie it down .
My second ever grow though was dna lemon skunk.Biobizz soil and nutrients ,Flowered at 8 inches tall ended up 46 inches but stayed quite healthy and i got 3 ounces of dank sickness.


This was my first. I'm not allowed to keep a scale in the house so I didn't weigh it. But this is what it looked like.



Well-Known Member
of my firdst i think if got 5 ounce of 3 plants and i must say IT WAS THE CRAPPIEST SHITTEST MOST FLACID UNDENCE CRAPPY NONE STONING SHITTY GOOD FOR NOTHING weed ive ever had the misfortune to come across

so eh it was crap i threw 2 ounce in the bin!! was that damn good

sensi kush marijuanaseeds_nl or sum shit clones only for me now


Well-Known Member
My first grow, 1968 in Fl, was a total failure. The only thing I knew about growing was "soak it with a hose." A year or two later, my second attempt was more fruitful. Now armed both with suggestions from Judy, my girlfriend who had houseplants growing in pots, and the knowledge that scattering seeds on the exposed dirt under an oak tree and squirting 'em with a hose didn't produce the desired results, I shoved pot seeds into 3 tiny ceramic planters that I had filled with dirt from the yard...not too many, only about a dozen or so seeds per planter. Judy convinced me that I didn't need to blast the planters with the hose and showed me how to use a coffee cup to water instead. Ahhh, those were simpler times...lol...lol. I watered and watered then, lo and behold, little green things were growing! A few plants per container had somehow managed to survive the deluge and poke their heads into the sun. I watered and watered, I tried my best to drown them but some were pretty tough. Almost right away I had yellow and brown leaves. I thought that was how it worked, a gift from the gods, a plant that supplied you with brown leaves to smoke. We had never heard about buds or even male and female plants. They weren't producing fast enough for me so when they were a few weeks old I pulled them up and put them in the sun to dry. A short while later, I stripped the leaves from the stalks and had enough pot to roll 3 thin joints. I didn't bother to weigh the harvest but I can tell you I sure was proud. I didn't know anyone else that had grown their own. From what I remember, you would have needed a terrific imagination to even think you could get a buzz off that stuff.