What? WHYYYY!!!


Well-Known Member
I once had a straight flush and lost to a better straight flush. Didn't take me a month to find out though.


Well-Known Member
These were bag seeds... so i doubt that there was anything of quality in there. Im sure if you start off with good quality seeds you wont have this problem. They did get a bit of heat stress as well, i left them unattended for a week so that may have contributed to it but this is def a first for me.


Well-Known Member
I have been wondering this for some time. If you actually find bag seed that means that sensimilla was not achieved. Now if the seeds came from a pollinated female there should be what? one,two hundred seeds? So usually when people are finding seeds in there bag, are they from hermi plants or where just a few seeds produced from a tampered 12/12 cycle.


Well-Known Member
Thats a good question... I know some growers Germinate a few branches of a strain they really like, so if they want to grow that strain again, they don't have to go looking for it again. As far as herms go, i would image that if a grower found one in his grow he/she would get rid of it asap, so as the pollen dose not contaminate the rest of the plants. Treat it as you would a male plant. I donno, my 2c.