What will effect be?


Well-Known Member
I think I can hit my plants harder with nutrients, will this increase yield and/or potency?

Is it really worth the extra money for the nutrients?


Well-Known Member
I think I can hit my plants harder with nutrients, will this increase yield and/or potency?

Is it really worth the extra money for the nutrients?
worth the money for which nutrients? are you using any now? which ones? what do you want to buy? and increasing yield or potency is up to your plants. you have any pics? are they yellowing? how long in flower? we need more info to even think about answering that question.


Well-Known Member
worth the money for which nutrients? are you using any now? which ones? what do you want to buy? and increasing yield or potency is up to your plants. you have any pics? are they yellowing? how long in flower? we need more info to even think about answering that question.
Maybe I didn't pose the question correctly.

My plants are perfectly healthy now, I was wondering if adding a higher concentration of nutrients will increase yield and potency.


Well-Known Member
it sure as hell wont hurt. whats your ppm now? keep adding 100 ppm at a time extra each res change and see how they like it. each plants genetics vary when it comes to how much they can handle withought over ferting. hope this helped.

Illegal Smile

I would start by following the schedule of the nute manufacturer, and then maybe varying from there.


Well-Known Member
I would start by following the schedule of the nute manufacturer, and then maybe varying from there.
I am using Gen. Hydro. (3 part) and Botanicare supplements at their recommended full strength. It just seems like the plants are eating them up with no signs of over fert.

If increasing the nutrient strength will increase potency and weight then it seems like the extra cost of the extra nutrients would be worth it. If no one is SURE that it will increase weight and potency then why bother?

By the way, thanks to everyone for the advice!


Well-Known Member
I am using Gen. Hydro. (3 part) and Botanicare supplements at their recommended full strength. It just seems like the plants are eating them up with no signs of over fert.

If increasing the nutrient strength will increase potency and weight then it seems like the extra cost of the extra nutrients would be worth it. If no one is SURE that it will increase weight and potency then why bother?

By the way, thanks to everyone for the advice!
as loola suggested above^^^add 100 ppm xtra ever res change and see how they perform...


Well-Known Member
Illegal Smile - on your tag line what does "keep the bubbles ... lose the tubes" mean?


Active Member
Im not by any means an expert but im doing an all sativa grow. i had to through out suggested ppm and just listen to my plants, they eat way more than suggested. Problem with bumping up nutes is your PH is going to fluctuate alot more. So attention vs. yield? is it worth your time? I agree with IS and Jonboy!


Well-Known Member
it sure as hell wont hurt. whats your ppm now? keep adding 100 ppm at a time extra each res change and see how they like it. each plants genetics vary when it comes to how much they can handle withought over ferting. hope this helped.
yes.,.,said best.,.,but at the same time if its not broke dont fix it.,.,if ure giving them nutes and theyre reacting nicely let dem be