what would be a good plant....


Active Member
to plant around the border of my grow area. that will grow tall and thick and keep someone from wanting to go anywhere near it . im not to worried about anyone finding my spot . but i went back today to check it out and realized the area is not as big as it looked last spring when i found it . so i figured maybe i could plant a bunch of shit to block it off and make it look like hell to go threw ..any ideas are welcome.. so far ive looked into milk thistle and stinging netteles. and for some reason cat nip just poped into my head . so what do u guys and gals think?


Active Member
bump . are u kidding me riu 33 veiws and not one of you has any ideas . im disapointed ive seen stupider post and be full of post .come on lets try this again.


Active Member
Ebay has stinger bushes. Seeds,guess just plant a good 10ft fence pretty thick in a year or two it'd be impossible to get threw,anybody in there right mind would go threw a big patch of throns when
t hrew could just Go around